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Where Do You Stand Now?

Jeff Miller

Elio Addict
Mar 16, 2014
Reaction score
Elio are you listening? We love the 4 tenets the elio is based upon and really respect all the time and effort that has happened to get the prototypes to where they are now. However, since you have another 14 months before production how about changing just a few things so that you will be truly successful.

First off, scrap the idea that this is a commuter vehicle and that 90% of the time only a single person will be riding in it. Instead blow out the back and put a bench back there that is as wide as a normal car; while you are at it how about an additional optional folding rear bench as well so that the kid’s friends or the dog can also come along; it should only add less than 3 feet to the elio. We are certain you can do this without impacting the wind drag, compromising the chassis, or adding too much cost or weight so you should still be able to meet the 4 tenets.

After addressing the additional seating how about adding a few more doors? That will make it easier to get all those people in and out as well as provide me even more safety when I roll the Elio and have to climb out. We are certain you can do this without compromising the chassis or adding too much cost or weight so you should still be able to meet the 4 tenets.

We are very happy that we will get 84 mpg in the Elio but you really need to change the engine and transmission. It needs to be more eco-friendly, electric, hybrid, diesel, two stroke, bigger smaller, experimental and have lots more horse power. There are a lot of engines out there; surely somebody would sell you one for cheaper than you can make your own. Clearly you can change power train and still meet the 84 mpg and cost tenets.

There are of course several other things that could be improved upon but the list above is probably the direst (at least at this moment). If you look at the list, it adds many of the things to the elio that the big auto makers have been selling for years so clearly that is what the elio must do as well. A used car salesman that has sold 1300 cars tells us this is the way to go. Oh? 17000 reservations already and how many cars a year do you plan to sell? No, the salesman knows better, and if you don’t do these changes there is no way the elio will succeed.


Elio Addict
Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hampden, MA
Reading Jeff's post reminds me of the old saw about a camel being a racehorse designed by a committee. I would like to have them (Elio) focus on getting the current design built so I can drive mine. Let leave the sliding doors that climb over the front suspension and other gimcrackery to the 2.0 version. Choice is the wonderful thing about being a consumer. The more choice you have the better. You need room for the kids in a small package here you go: http://www.mazdausa.com/MusaWeb/displayPage.action?pageParameter=modelsMain&vehicleCode=MZ5


Elio Addict
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
.... First off, scrap the idea that this is a commuter vehicle and that 90% of the time only a single person will be riding in it. ... We are certain you can do this without impacting the wind drag, compromising the chassis, or adding too much cost or weight so you should still be able to meet the 4 tenets.
... We are certain you can do this without compromising the chassis or adding too much cost or weight so you should still be able to meet the 4 tenets.
... Clearly you can change power train and still meet the 84 mpg and cost tenets.... No, the salesman knows better, and if you don’t do these changes there is no way the elio will succeed.
I seriously DOUBT it..... keep the Elio the SAME!


Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
There are of course several other things that could be improved upon but the list above is probably the direst (at least at this moment). If you look at the list, it adds many of the things to the elio that the big auto makers have been selling for years so clearly that is what the elio must do as well. A used car salesman that has sold 1300 cars tells us this is the way to go. Oh? 17000 reservations already and how many cars a year do you plan to sell? No, the salesman knows better, and if you don’t do these changes there is no way the elio will succeed.
You had me going there until that last paragraph!


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Elio are you listening? We love the 4 tenets the elio is based upon and really respect all the time and effort that has happened to get the prototypes to where they are now. However, since you have another 14 months before production how about changing just a few things so that you will be truly successful.

First off, scrap the idea that this is a commuter vehicle and that 90% of the time only a single person will be riding in it. Instead blow out the back and put a bench back there that is as wide as a normal car; while you are at it how about an additional optional folding rear bench as well so that the kid’s friends or the dog can also come along; it should only add less than 3 feet to the elio. We are certain you can do this without impacting the wind drag, compromising the chassis, or adding too much cost or weight so you should still be able to meet the 4 tenets.

After addressing the additional seating how about adding a few more doors? That will make it easier to get all those people in and out as well as provide me even more safety when I roll the Elio and have to climb out. We are certain you can do this without compromising the chassis or adding too much cost or weight so you should still be able to meet the 4 tenets.

We are very happy that we will get 84 mpg in the Elio but you really need to change the engine and transmission. It needs to be more eco-friendly, electric, hybrid, diesel, two stroke, bigger smaller, experimental and have lots more horse power. There are a lot of engines out there; surely somebody would sell you one for cheaper than you can make your own. Clearly you can change power train and still meet the 84 mpg and cost tenets.

There are of course several other things that could be improved upon but the list above is probably the direst (at least at this moment). If you look at the list, it adds many of the things to the elio that the big auto makers have been selling for years so clearly that is what the elio must do as well. A used car salesman that has sold 1300 cars tells us this is the way to go. Oh? 17000 reservations already and how many cars a year do you plan to sell? No, the salesman knows better, and if you don’t do these changes there is no way the elio will succeed.
Sarcasm, I detect. Funny, he is.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I'm no car salesman.........but if I had a customer that required seating for three or four......I sell them 2 Elio's and they could ride in a pack to the same destination or go their separate ways. Elio X 2 could even be towable with a trailer hitch option. Still only $13,600.

Elio is perfect........leave it alone! Thanks Jeff.............I definitely smiled.

pj rogers

Elio Addict
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Hey ty, in 14 months there will be an elio that carries 3 people, has a passenger door on the curb side, has a re-worked rear end that more resembles a squared off hatch back that has way more trunk space..and the base price will be $7500. and the fuel estimate of 75 mpg.
You can exaggerate and make all the fun and jokes you want at my expense. EM will make the decisions from the many good ideas sent in. Just like in October when the folks wanted more trunk space and a hatch back. They got it.
You do not seem to understand the people doing this are money makers!
Oh, and the cost factor...that went out the window when the tour people started to tell all of us standing around the elio, the destination charge will be about $750, the automatic will be "under $1000" the cruise will be over a couple of hundred, etc. Even EM admits they are short by $300..so forget the $6800 number, in 14 months it will be $7500.
All of you, just be prepared to pay more than you think.
When the option prices are revealed about a year from now, you will understand, but not now, the music is too loud and you have follow the music...
Remember, 3 people, one curb side passenger door and a little more trunk space. That is all I want and from day one, the people have suggested exactly that..i am not the only one..
Have a good memorial day! and go, go go, elioooooooooooo!
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