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Where Do You Stand Now?

Debbie Bruce

Elio Addict
May 7, 2014
Reaction score
This is fact. He did not move to the USA until 1933 as a result of the Nazis taking power in Germany and after he had already won the Nobel Prize.
It was the Swiss patent office. In the US, he held a temporary position at the California Institute of Technology and after formally emigrating to America he worked for Princeton University's Institute for Advanced Study (currently home to one of the few fusion test reactors <--very cool stuff)

My bad. I ment to say Swiss before coming to the US.. He was a smart man. Smarter than me, he would have read what he typed beore hitting the send button..


Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
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Other than gun powder and toilet paper the Chinese have not invented or developed much .Rather than R&D they spend their money on industrial espionage .That said China will be the worlds largest economy .The one child program backfired as most of the kids are lazy ,obese and spoiled rotten .They can memorize a phone book but can't make a phone call .Manufacturing is starting to move back as China wages have risen to 32% in four years . (my wife works in Beijing )
What worries me is America is ranked 14th in education and 12th freest economy .Those great revolutionary ideas that made America great will be diluted in years to come .
Germany and the Scandinavian countries have always been innovators and India is catching up fast with a lot of emphases on medical R&D .
49% of upstart manufacturing companies in this country go broke in less than four years .


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
In all these so called smarter than America countries , none have produced a Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or William Lear etc. Germany beat us to the automobile by a few years but thankfully we were able by the hair of our chiny chin chin to produce and stop them from destroying the world with the nuclear bomb..
But we used German scientists to do it... Tricky us.


Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
But we used German scientists to do it... Tricky us.
Yes ,and than once we developed "The Bomb" with the help German Scientist the rest of the world stole the technology from us .

My point might be that 3 wheel motorized vehicles have been active in the world since the early 50's .Now Paul Elio may come up with a whole new slant and be successful but he will soon have competition .

Debbie Bruce

Elio Addict
May 7, 2014
Reaction score
Yes ,and than once we developed "The Bomb" with the help German Scientist the rest of the world stole the technology from us .

My point might be that 3 wheel motorized vehicles have been active in the world since the early 50's .Now Paul Elio may come up with a whole new slant and be successful but he will soon have competition .
Close to 20,000 people are convinced he will.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Yes ,and than once we developed "The Bomb" with the help German Scientist the rest of the world stole the technology from us .

My point might be that 3 wheel motorized vehicles have been active in the world since the early 50's .Now Paul Elio may come up with a whole new slant and be successful but he will soon have competition .
Yes he will. No doubt. As to the bomb, it wasn't hard to steal. We put the plans into the public domain.


Elio Addict
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
Actually, Einstein was German, as was Oppenheimer who actually was a part of the Manhattan Project, unlike Einstein who was opposed to the idea of nuclear weapons.

Actually J. Robert Oppenheimer was not a German, he was an American and was born April 22, 1904 in New York City.
He was educated at Harvard and graduated in 1925 with a degree in physics then went to England to do research at Cambridge University.
Mr. Oppenheimer then went to Germany and obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Gottingen.
In June 1942 he was appointed as the scientific director of the Manhatten Project and is known as the "father" of the atomic bomb.
The first nuclear explosion was named "Trinity", the state of being threefold.
He was opposed to the development of the hydrogen bomb.

Paul Elio will be known as the "father" of the most successful three wheeled vehicle. What a coincidence, Trinity and the three wheeler. :cool:


Elio Addict
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
Other than gun powder and toilet paper the Chinese have not invented or developed much .Rather than R&D they spend their money on industrial espionage .

History says: The Chinese invented the compass, paper, moveable type (printing), plant grafting, greenhouses, the seismograph, sails on ships, the oar, gun powder, the gun and cannon, mortars and exploding bombs, bells, triangular shaped plough, lacquer, the noodle and on and on. They discovered fermentation and alcoholic beverages, I'll drink to that.
Paul Elio did not invent the three wheeler but when his version is produced it will be his name associated with the most popular one of all time
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Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
Not me! That would put me back to a no new car option. For that matter no replacement car option. Elio at $6800 has given me hope I didn't have before.
I like Zelio's comment that the Elio gave her hope that she didn't have before. Paul Elio is giving hope, opportunity, and excitement to many people and revolutionizing personal transportation
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