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The E-series Build.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
The Elio 'Momentum' email that went out today, pretty well indicates they are planning the E-series builds right now. The worst case for us is that they have not started any actual fabrication, and won't until after new-years. The best case is that they started on Dec 2 (or before), when the E-Build start was first announced. Paul had stated the first E would take less time than 20weeks. So if we say exactly 20 to accommodate planning, the first E could be ready on April 20th, 2016. If fabrication doesn't start until after Jan 4th, then we're possibly looking at mid-May or later.

PS, I think given EM and everyone else is in Holiday mode, the EO forum is going to be very quiet until next year and anything of note is publicized by EM.

The 'Momentum' letter:
They can get those frames built any time ... unless they found a glictch in the P5. They were actually building a second car concurrently with the P5 - you can part of its frame in one of the photos. When I pressed them, I got "could be" for an answer.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2015
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Thanks for the info, AriLea although I'm confused- did you say "the first E?" One unit? I thought EM will be building a bunch of these and from what I read at EM's Facebook responses is they will be using robots to expedite the process! The latest Momentum e-mail mentioned that EM now have the funds to move to the E-series build but at only one to test by April of next year, do you honestly think that they can actually start production by year end "provided" EM acquired the "production funding" of 180+ millions? Which also begs the question, is that amount still accurate or they need double or triple that original amount to get it started? I'm behind on my readings so forgive me if this questions has been answered before.

That was my understanding as well; they were planning on setting up a mini assembly line at technosports, and doing multiple Es at the same time. Combined with what they've learned from the P5 build, I expect all of the Es will be done in the time it took to build just the P5.


Elio Addict
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
This has got to be the furthest topic drift we've ever had; started out as a thread about the E series build and we have gone from golf courses to flok songs and song writers.

Wow; that's really falling off the rails and rolling down the hill :p
That sounds FUN! Can we be rolling on the insides of old tractor tires?


Elio Fan
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
southern Idaho
The crowd funding phase, is essentially done, according to the letter/email out this morning, 7am Arizona time. (HQ is in AZ right? yea-yea, I'm being 'pithy', lol)

We may as well move on to collecting anything about the E-Series activity. Yes, I'd just watch for it myself, but our membership seems to ferret out all the tiny evidence there is immediately. So I want a thread open to view it.

So that you don't have to look it up, this is the note below
Hello Arak,
Like others, I am just aching to know how many "interested" actually bought in. I know they can't say anything, but Gee whiz! I am Elio buyer #11216. I mostly just watch and see. Did buy in, well aware, it may go, it may not. that is the chance we all take.


Elio Addict
Jun 23, 2015
Reaction score
Warrenton, MO
I'm with you. Happy Paul got enough to move forward [very happy actually!], but pretty disappointed knowing that 3/4 of the people that pledged in the "Test The Waters" phase are full of cr*p. Can't understand that mindset.
Easy to understand the mindset. Every parade has more followers than leaders. I would have been pleased with 50% participation of the pledges.
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