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Where Do You Stand Now?


Elio Addict
Jan 9, 2014
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... The blog even states the build would take five weeks. ...
No, the BLOG states that they had ALREADY been 'working' on the prototype..... and it would take 5 MORE weeks to complete it!
The work has begun on the new prototype, P4, and it is starting to take shape! Over the next five weeks we will share the prototype process, pictures, and interviews with the key prototype team members.
And that is by a professional, experienced team, whose main task is making prototypes!

Cali Chris

Elio Addict
Feb 10, 2014
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BLACK won, not that it makes any difference to me; didn't change my color choice. AND another BLOG report 'wasted' on this foolish, meaningless 'contest'; and NO NEWS about the Elio's progress..... prototypes, IAV engine, or Plant renovation. Maybe NEXT week.... or another contest (to divert attention); 'standard vs AMT', or 'Your favorite OPTION'?????
The time it will take to get their idea to market will not change because of a hypothetical blog contest. They are just trying to occupy the time with something fun or would you prefer silence?

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Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
The time it will take to get their idea to market will not be change because of a hypothetical blog contest. They are just trying to occupy the time with something fun or would you prefer silence?

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Personally I am enjoying being included in the process. They are finishing their prototypes faster than I have finished some of my dresses. I get stuck and have to give up until the solution comes to me. It used to take less time when I was younger but the end result is the same. I get a new dress to wear that is truly unique. They are creating a vehicle that is truly unique. More power to them. Successful people are not afraid to fail. A true failure is someone who is afraid to try something new. My hat is off to the Elio team and to the people who are building the prototypes. Go Elio!! :-) Z


Elio Addict
Jan 9, 2014
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The time it will take to get their idea to market will not be change because of a hypothetical blog contest. They are just trying to occupy the time with something fun or would you prefer silence?

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NO, I would prefer, what the BLOG was designed for; to provide current INFORMATION on the PROGRESS that they are making! There should be SOME progress that they can report on Design, Engine, Prototypes, Supplier partners, new possible OPTIONS, Shreveport Plant, ..... a whole lot to DO before PRODUCTION begins.... so there should be progress in some areas each week.... or at least monthly. They have been working on this Elio 'dress' since 2008; I don't expect it done 'overnight'.... just some information... they are making PROGRESS.


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
NO, I would prefer, what the BLOG was designed for; to provide current INFORMATION on the PROGRESS that they are making! There should be SOME progress that they can report on Design, Engine, Prototypes, Supplier partners, new possible OPTIONS, Shreveport Plant, ..... a whole lot to DO before PRODUCTION begins.... so there should be progress in some areas each week.... or at least monthly. They have been working on this Elio 'dress' since 2008; I don't expect it done 'overnight'.... just some information... they are making PROGRESS.
When was the last time an auto company provided you with any information of any kind prior to production? If you are finding the wait so distasteful and/or stressful maybe you need to take up a hobby to help you relax and enjoy life. Do you get pleasure out of writing the same complaints over and over and over? That Blog is EM not yours and not ours. They can do with it what they please. I did not care for the March Madness but then I'm not into sports. Now March is over and I am very happy to say I survived even though my color didn't win and I think someone who wanted Licorice rigged the votes. I am simply grateful that the sports gods from hell are now out of power for another year so we can get on with real life. I fully intend to sit back and enjoy the ride. :) Z

Cali Chris

Elio Addict
Feb 10, 2014
Reaction score
NO, I would prefer, what the BLOG was designed for; to provide current INFORMATION on the PROGRESS that they are making! There should be SOME progress that they can report on Design, Engine, Prototypes, Supplier partners, new possible OPTIONS, Shreveport Plant, ..... a whole lot to DO before PRODUCTION begins.... so there should be progress in some areas each week.... or at least monthly. They have been working on this Elio 'dress' since 2008; I don't expect it done 'overnight'.... just some information... they are making PROGRESS.
It's rumored that GM and Ford are working on three cylinder ultra high efficiency engines, but you probably knew that from their weekly blogs on the subject......oh wait there isn't a weekly blog on it. There isn't a FB page to promote it and nobody has tweeted anything regarding it. Elio is very generous with info and when they don't have any new info for us they are creative with there marketing to keep us interested. If you are not satisfied just unplug and come back around February or March of 2015.

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Elio Addict
Jan 9, 2014
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Nobody said that Elio Motors HAS to provide ANY information or start a BLOG;... but they 'elected' to start one to generate interest in their 'future' product, get new supporters into the 'fold', demonstrate to future backers that there is a 'demand', and to inform their followers of their PROGRESS toward production. Since they decided to START it; lets hope they keep it going all the way to production.... and beyond.

My original question was HOW they plan to build their “18 to 26 vehicles” in the remaining time. The BLOG would be an ideal medium to let us see how they are accomplishing this 'tangible' goal...... like they used the BLOG to show the P4 progress. Hopefully they have been using this 'March Madness' time to build up a number of 'gliders' (motor-less bodies) that will be ready for the IAV engines when they arrive in June. It would just be 'comforting' to know that they have been working on them...... and not waiting until June to begin.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
Nobody said that Elio Motors HAS to provide ANY information or start a BLOG;... but they 'elected' to start one to generate interest in their 'future' product, get new supporters into the 'fold', demonstrate to future backers that there is a 'demand', and to inform their followers of their PROGRESS toward production. Since they decided to START it; lets hope they keep it going all the way to production.... and beyond.

My original question was HOW they plan to build their “18 to 26 vehicles” in the remaining time. The BLOG would be an ideal medium to let us see how they are accomplishing this 'tangible' goal...... like they used the BLOG to show the P4 progress. Hopefully they have been using this 'March Madness' time to build up a number of 'gliders' (motor-less bodies) that will be ready for the IAV engines when they arrive in June. It would just be 'comforting' to know that they have been working on them...... and not waiting until June to begin.

I think you are operating a few steps ahead of the process at this point as I highly doubt they would build a bunch of 'gliders' right now as they don't even have a final chassis design yet. If they are building anything now it would likely only be a single P5 but I doubt that is anything more than a series of CAD drawings at this point. I try not to expect anything however I would think their is a good chance they will show us the P5 under construction but we just have to be patient and wait for that to happen as it is not due for nearly 3 months. As for the 18 to 26 test vehicles, those will only be built after they have an approved final prototype design and even according to Elio that could be the P5 or the P6 if needed.

To avoid excessive anxiety I am just going on the assumption that they won't tell us anything until sometime towards the end of June when the P5 magically appears. They don't have to tell us anything so if I am not expecting anything I won't be disappointed.


Elio Aficionado
Mar 23, 2014
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"The work has begun on the new prototype, P4, and it is starting to take shape! Over the next five weeks we will share the prototype process, pictures, and interviews with the key prototype team members."
I would expect that "work has begun on the new prototype" could mean anything from whiteboard notes or CAD drawings to ordering the stuff the body is made out of or even all the way to doing some welding.
They seem to be professionals about it. Non-professionals would probably start welding first and have something to show us. And since the slow process and product gets so much flak, the fast process would with NO DOUBT be wrong in the opinion of many.
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