Elio Addict
I don't think the stores will be up at the time the line fires up. It's been mentioned that E M will contact reservationists directly to build your unit i.e.color/transmission + extras a month or two before your build. It's still fuzzy if the distribution centers will be set-up and where/how they will be delivered. Test drives?, financing/buying,? I haven't heard in a long time the E credit card "thing"- gives the false sense that if you pay double your gas purchase towards your loan, it'll somehow be paid off, no interest rates, no other financing that I've heard ofHelp on basics please:
Is the final assembly in Shreveport or just the motors?
Is the estimated start of production still Fall 2016?
How will the vehicles be delivered? Are they stiill contemplating a presence in strip centers or has that changed? If not, will they be company owned or franchise dealers?