Elio Addict
Regarding the Elgin dash, I actually seem to like the way it looks. Haven't used anything like that before, but I like how it lights up in the youtube video, and also glad to see that they changed the speed increments to 5 miles from the 10 that it was. To me it looks cool, maybe a bit retro. However what I don't like is that it seems like it's lacking features. Seems to not display things I have been use to seeing. Engine temperature? Estimated miles til tank is empty? A mpg gauge to show if you're driving habits are getting the best mileage? A fairly nondescript fuel tank meter. The style of the dash is fine for me, but I can hope it can do more things. However if there are alternate clusters available, I might change out for something with more features. I'm more for what all can it do, more so than I am about what it looks like.
I hadn't noticed the lack of engine temp until you mentioned it. As to the digital fuel gauge, I kind of like it; it's not unlike the digital battery gauge on my Leaf

Don't forget that one of the other features of the Elio is that tablet+app support is built into the design of the car, so MPG remaining and other tools displayed on the tablet is entirely workable (if Elio doesn't include that natively in the Skyzmatic app, I have no doubt the community will soon create a feature-rich app on their own).