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The E-series Build.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Early Elioites locked in reservations based on EM's marketing the Elio's 4 required tenants to include 'anticipated' 5 star safety. Five star safety had/has meaning to the average driver. Without the 5 star safety claim, I doubt there would have been as many average driver reservations. I never thought 5 star auto safety standards were achievable for a narrow three wheeled motorcycle, however many reservationists did. I thought that it could be the safest motorcycle on the road and was/am willing to own/drive one while keeping that safety risk in mind. Marketing has changed to what it should have been in the very beginning since auto industry engineers were aware of NHTSA & IIHS safety standards and protocols in the beginning of the development process and the initial Hello Elio marketing campaign.


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
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Junction, TX
I think we need to address the difference between 5 Star then and 5 Star now.
To help, I provide this link to the safety tests.
---> http://www.iihs.org/iihs/ratings/ratings-info/frontal-crash-tests <---
The most significant change is the "Frontal Crash Prevention Tests"
If you read that section you will see that it takes critical decisions out of the humans hands.
Not a very smart thing in my opinion.
But in any case, you can read and evaluate the information for yourselves.


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
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Early Elioites locked in reservations based on EM's marketing the Elio's 4 required tenants to include 'anticipated' 5 star safety. Five star safety had/has meaning to the average driver. Without the 5 star safety claim, I doubt there would have been as many average driver reservations. I never thought 5 star auto safety standards were achievable for a narrow three wheeled motorcycle, however many reservationists did. I thought that it could be the safest motorcycle on the road and was/am willing to own/drive one while keeping that safety risk in mind. Marketing has changed to what it should have been in the very beginning since auto industry engineers were aware of NHTSA & IIHS safety standards and protocols in the beginning of the development process and the initial Hello Elio marketing campaign.

Presumably some lawyer
clued them in on the Lanham
Act, re false advertising....Deja vu

John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
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Lewiston, Maine
It's best to say NOTHING of 5 star rating, and pull it from the advertising. Registered, insured as a motorcycle, viewed as a (small) three wheel car, the "public" will replace their concerns by the very nature of the unit. In the past, for whatever reasons, E M has stated stuff that the had to be walked back- think "the crystal ball is broken" comment.
As to adding up sales, based on a raw numbers, omits all who have "want in", who's expression of interest can be generalized by the folks who were going to "invest" and too you'd have to exclude the incentives. IMO this is a very loose calculation.
AND it'll never secure a five star automobile rating- It would, should the category be instituted, perhaps a five star 3 wheel vehicle.
The insurance companies, will look very closely and just might rate it as a M C, as total loss will be less than replacement costs of 750cc's and up.

My major concern, the first fatel accidents, and the negative publicity it will generate-" passenger unable to escape , fiery crash." A 10 star rating could not negate this scenario
Maybe, but I don't think any more negative publicity than for Smart, or Fiat 500 or even Mini Cooper have had. I think my wife's V70 will be safer than the Elio in a head on crash, and I think my friends F350 will be safer than my wife's V70 in a head on crash.


Elio Addict
Jul 6, 2014
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Does this mean if Elio does not get the government loan, we are all SOL?

Everyone reading this: stop what you are doing and write a one page letter supporting the loan. DO IT NOW! Typewritten, computer printed, hand-written, whatever you have available. Postage is still cheap. The postal department will personally deliver your letter to the Dept. of Energy in Washington, D.C. Make your wishes known. It can't hurt (I hope).
Mailing address is at the bottom of this web site:
If you plan on writing, let this discussion board know.

Note***** Elio Motors has stated very clearly before under no circumstance is anyone to write to the DOE in support of giving the loan to Elio Motors. EM was told to relay this message by the DOE. So yes, it can hurt
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Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
Maybe, but I don't think any more negative publicity than for Smart, or Fiat 500 or even Mini Cooper have had. I think my wife's V70 will be safer than the Elio in a head on crash, and I think my friends F350 will be safer than my wife's V70 in a head on crash.
of course time will tell, I hope your observations are correct. Smart (Mercedes)-Fiat been around since Italy,- and the "true"mini since King George- they have a track record, I recall the Smart subjected to crash testing, in which I think the safety cage helped raise their safety rating. I think there are safer motorcycles than the first minis (sp?) ;-}


Elio Addict
Sep 1, 2015
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Phoenix, AZ
Aknaten, if I recall, EM asked us not to contact the DOE to advocate for the ATVM loan approval. If anyone still wishes to do so, please make it clear that you are acting independently and without any affiliation with EM.

And I would strongly recommend that anyone who has purchased shares should not contact the DOE. Investors organizing to petition the government to fund the company they've invested in could be seen as a conflict of interest and may harm Elio Motors application for the loan.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
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Loveland OH
Yes, ideally EM would develop testing protocols with NHTSA and/or IIHS so that the 1200 lb Elio's crash impact and avoidance results would be directly comparable to a 2400 lb four-wheeled car.

The key question in my mind is whether EM is willing to incur the presumably high costs that would be needed to develop autocycle-specific protocols that yield directly comparable results to bigger, more conventional cars. I'm assuming that NHTSA doesn't have resources to develop such protocols (unless Congress appropriates such resources), and IIHS won't have much incentive to develop such new protocols unless Elio becomes a runaway success (or, as a nod to conspiracy theorists, the big auto makers fund such a development for fear of Elio's threat to their market shares).
I can tell you that IIHS is working with Elio to develop an appropriate new protocol and will be testing the car. That is fact, not supposition. Paul talked briefly about this in his press conference in Detroit a couple of weeks ago.
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