Elio Addict
Right. The payback of even hybrids isn't in cost savings usually but rather in helping to reduce the amount of oil we have to import as a country. (I read that if you filled a water bottle 1/3 of the way full with oil, you'll see how much oil went into making that water bottle so maybe that is where we should be starting)
Ford says it costs about $400 to install a start/stop system in a vehicle. 5% increase in overall mileage (5%-10% is the number I see most) would take you... 84* 5% = 4.2mpg difference... $400 cost of system / $2.25 gal = 177 gallons you'd have to save to pay for the system.
if you save 5%, you'd save $2.25*.05 = $.1125 per 84 miles. $400/$.1125 = 3,555.55 times you'd have to save that $.1125 which equates to 3,555.55 * 84 miles = 298,666 miles to break even on a start/stop system. So, no. You most likely won't benefit from the system. Nor would I. But, someone in a ... no. No one will benefit. But, politicians will love hearing about it "New mandate saves drivers 5% on fuel costs. New tax immanent"
Your assumption appears to ignore that 84 is highway. That isn't where you get the 5% to 10% or anywhere close.
As an example.........
I went to my cardiologist's office this morning.
212 miles round trip.
possible stops going ----
One 30 second stop at our electric security gate
One stop sign.
One possible stop light getting off I10.
possible stops returning ----
Two Stop signs
One Yield sign
Two possible stop lights getting on I10.
Four possible stop lights getting and one stop sign getting off and on I10 for gas.
One 30 second stop at our electric security gate
The rest of the trip was at between 75 and 85 MPH.
I'm not seeing the 5% or even .05 percent in that trip.