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Elio Addict
Jan 26, 2014
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An optional bike rack that would mount low on the right side so you can carry long items, like bikes, surfboards, skis, etc. for fun trips. Yes it would hurt mpg, but having fun in your Elio is where it's at. Installing a hitch would be easy if the designers think ahead and put in mounting points on the frame...same with the bike rack, they need to put in mounting points early on.


Elio Enthusiast
Feb 4, 2014
Reaction score
Top priorities, IAV engine and close to production transmissions--manual and automatic. I've read they plan both types--though the automatic is really an electronically assisted manual--I guess that means no clutch but you have to shift.

Sounds like pop out rear windows are already planned, but would be nice to see them.
I like the idea of mounting points aft and starboard. The later takes advantage of the lack of door on the right side.


Elio Enthusiast
Dec 5, 2013
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This is what I'm looking at to go with my black Elio. Notice the spare tire hanging under. That's a cooler up front. Cool! Found on ebay.

Farm Boy

Elio Aficionado
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
would be nice to have 2 doors not sure about a back door but for exiting at the sidewalk being your setting next to the sidewalk. exiting on the street can be a bit dangerous. and yes we all do it now but why not just make it safer. or just put the door on that side? and an automatic trans. the way the industry is going the manuals are going away anyway. the number of shifts we have to make now are just about like driving a big rig 12 to 15 gears means you never stop shifting that gets old after a bit. and i can see this car after it starts production going to more gears or a cvt. cvt's are to costly to repair. the cvt belt cost about as much as the car in the after market or service.

Have you ever had an automatic trans rebuilt? $$$$$ cashy! I have seen a lot of otherwise good cars and trucks junked because the auto trans went bad and cost as much to rebuild as the they were worth. I have worked with CVT transitions, they are very simple and have been around a long time in snowmobiles and ATVs and proven very reliable. I myself want a manual, push the clutch and shift the gears myself. I have had 5 pickups that I put more than 200K miles on and only had any trouble with 1.


Elio Addict
Jan 9, 2014
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Same thing will apply here. A plug kit and small 12v inflater, or a can of slime. Either type will fit in the trunk and not take up much space or add much weight.
For long trips I'll probably throw a spare in the Trailer, otherwise I'll just keep this in the trunk (13"x9"x4").


  • slimeRepairKit.jpg
    20.9 KB · Views: 423


Elio Fan
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
would be nice to have 2 doors not sure about a back door but for exiting at the sidewalk being your setting next to the sidewalk. exiting on the street can be a bit dangerous. and yes we all do it now but why not just make it safer. or just put the door on that side? and an automatic trans. the way the industry is going the manuals are going away anyway. the number of shifts we have to make now are just about like driving a big rig 12 to 15 gears means you never stop shifting that gets old after a bit. and i can see this car after it starts production going to more gears or a cvt. cvt's are to costly to repair. the cvt belt cost about as much as the car in the after market or service.
Do you realize what the cost would be to change the steel frame work and build the door to fit and change the body moldings just for another door which would also add weight to the auto. I don't think so.


Elio Aficionado
Feb 3, 2014
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Looks like the spare tire concern has been worked out. Next, hope Continental/Elio designed in one or two dash (or other location) mounted 12V power plug outlets in the wiring harness. In a pinch, a plug with alligator clips could be hooked to the battery poles for inflater power.
Am now in line to buy a oneway ticket to Shreveport, LA.!


Elio Addict
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Please add what you would like to see on the next and hopefully last prototype.
I would like the following
P3 fenders/wheels
P4 trunk opening
Actual production engine
Automatic option (cost)
Half door for passenger access
Spare temp tire somewhere

I'd like to see a “Rewards Program” of some kind,
where loyal Elio owners are given coupons, or points
for spreading the word of Elio.
Not much, just something redeemable at the Elio store, for
tee shirts, hats, or accessories. I'm not one to break the bank,
but I'm reminded of my experience with the Bradley GT
I built in 75. When I could go nowhere without incurring
delays to my trip. Everyone had to know, “what is it”,

how can I get one”, etc. I was stopped by a NY State
trooper, Not because I was speeding, but he wanted to
see if he could fit his massive 6'5” frame into the car.
(it didn't work, couldn't close the door, and I was late for work!)
Or the time a friend and I decided to go down to Times Square at 9pm one summer night. The NY Police had to rescue us from

the large crowd that surrounded us, blocking traffic on 42nd street.
Believe me, You will be asked questions every time you go out in your new P5!*
It still can happen with my Volt, but not as bad.
You have been warned!

Oh! uh! A rewards program........
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