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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC
Trust the people you voted into office to make the right decision for you.

I understood your point of view right up until the above .... the results of the last election seemed to me to indicate the folks in our country don't trust many of the politicians up for reelection to do what is best .... hence the change of the numbers in the House and Senate .... the petition can't hurt .... neither side can/will go on record as being against American jobs, high fuel efficiency, high safety standards, priced within the reach of most people .... they are politicians whose mission in life is to be reelected .... the bigger the numbers on the petition, the more interested they will be .... if Elio was an automobile, the NASA may take an interest but I don't see that as being the case for a Autocycle that has no competition

John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
Lewiston, Maine
My concern is that this sort of thing could cause the Republic party to automatically oppose it as part of their platform of opposing Obama regardless of the merits of the specific items they are opposing - which has actually led them to oppose the exact same things they themselves promoted prior to Obama. This is not a bash on Republicans but rather how oppositional politics have played, the Democrats have done similar things during Republican presidencies.
Though I'm a conservative, I'm not seeing much turmoil in Elio pursuing a loan program enacted by Congress. I don't know that much about the ATVM loan program, I do know it originated by both Republicans and Democrats to strengthen our automakers and decrease our foreign oil dependence. I suppose that could be controversial, but I don't see it.


Elio Addict
Apr 12, 2014
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At this point, I'm in the "Fool me once, shame on you.", " Fool me twice, shame on me," mode. Still a fan, still all in, but, still feeling mis led by Elio. A month ago, I would have been there with you, but since we were led to believe this company was well on it's way to a 2015 production start, and didn't feel the delay was worth sharing with we supporters, I am having a problem putting any additional effort forward to helping Elio, when it has been made perfectly clear, we are just customers. I put $1000 worth of trust in this person, so I am far from being a naysayer. I will buy one when they start to produce them, and I will renew my excitement when they re-earn the trust I have lost through deception. For now, Paul can go find his own money, just like he found yours and mine. I"ll reserve judgment until I see some of those American jobs we all thought we were helping create, but for now, I don't think I'm ready to sign any petitions. I don't think Elio is a scam, or a hoax, and I don't think Paul Elio intended to deceive us. What he did was make a major error in judgement by not " Keeping us informed, along the way".
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John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
Lewiston, Maine
At this point, I'm in the "Fool me once, shame on you.", " Fool me twice, shame on me," mode. Still a fan, still all in, but, still feeling mis led by Elio. A month ago, I would have been there with you, but since we were led to believe this company was well on it's way to a 2015 production start, and didn't feel the delay was worth sharing with we supporters, I am having a problem putting any additional effort forward to helping Elio, when it has been made perfectly clear, we are just customers. I put $1000 worth of trust in this person, so I am far from being a naysayer. I will buy one when they start to produce them, and I will renew my excitement when they renew the trust I have lost through deception. For now, Paul can go find his own money, just like he found yours and mine. I"ll reserve judgment until I see some of those American jobs we all thought we were helping create, but for now, I don't think I'm ready to sign any petitions. I don't think Elio is a scam, or a hoax, and I don't think Paul Elio intended to deceive us. What he did was make a major error in judgement by not " Keeping us informed, along the way".

I feel the same way, but about GM leadership. I'm not sure, but I do not think Elio has contributed to anyones death. Though if I keep yammering about the damn company my wife might kill me. :)


Elio Addict
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
I feel the same way, but about GM leadership. I'm not sure, but I do not think Elio has contributed to anyones death. Though if I keep yammering about the damn company my wife might kill me. :)
I don't feel a petition will do much more than what Elio already does on a daily basis by emphasizing how many reservations he has, or how many companies he has supporting his efforts. But I applaud your effort.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I understood your point of view right up until the above .... the results of the last election seemed to me to indicate the folks in our country don't trust many of the politicians up for reelection to do what is best .... hence the change of the numbers in the House and Senate .... the petition can't hurt .... neither side can/will go on record as being against American jobs, high fuel efficiency, high safety standards, priced within the reach of most people .... they are politicians whose mission in life is to be reelected .... the bigger the numbers on the petition, the more interested they will be .... if Elio was an automobile, the NASA may take an interest but I don't see that as being the case for a Autocycle that has no competition
I actually do have a high % of trust in the politicians I voted for when it comes to their support of a USA made, high mpg, concept vehicle like the Elio and the jobs and economy boost it would provide. I don't pull a Party lever to vote and don't care much for politics these days, but it is what it is. It's a point of view for what it's worth.

It's unlikely there would ever be enough signatures on an Elio petition to interest or concern politicians, but only heads up the opponent/opponents that think Elio sales may threaten NADA's new and more importantly used car sales. Dealers may make as much on used car sales as new. How many people are dumping their used second vehicle for a brand new Elio? Most will certainly buy a new Elio commuter over a used vehicle.

The 40,000+ reservation numbers on the application itself has impact.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Though I'm a conservative, I'm not seeing much turmoil in Elio pursuing a loan program enacted by Congress. I don't know that much about the ATVM loan program, I do know it originated by both Republicans and Democrats to strengthen our automakers and decrease our foreign oil dependence. I suppose that could be controversial, but I don't see it.
The support for DOE Loan program was initially bipartisan, but the approval process could be very political.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
only heads up the opponent/opponents that think Elio sales may threaten NADA's new and more importantly used car sales. Dealers may make as much on used car sales as new. How many people are dumping their used second vehicle for a brand new Elio? Most will certainly buy a new Elio commuter over a used vehicle.

an Elio appeals to a very small segment of the market .... folks looking a used or new vehicle to haul a family, pull a camper, haul even moderate loads, etc aren't in the market for an Elio .... I just don't see the issue but then I've been wrong before


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Snipped: Paul and the team have created a vehicle that provides excellent value at a bare minimum profit margin...

This would be accurate if 'Cafe Credits' didn't exist.
Granted they aren't a done deal yet but should be
finalized this year (Joel feel free to weigh in) @ $2,400
per credit + the projected base profit, $1,000 on each built
Elio, that makes for net profit of $3,400 per unit built............:)
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