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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
I feel like such an idiot. I've seen the production date pushed back four (4) times. They've had my 'all in 1K" for almost two years. I, now, have to admit that I think this is a scam and I'm a big sucker. My reservation number is 3412...Does anyone besides me think they've been had ?

Nope. It's the end of the 3rd quarter, but the game's not over. I've paid good money for my seat, and will continue to cheer for the home team.


Elio Addict
Jul 1, 2014
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San Francisco Bay Area
I feel like such an idiot. I've seen the production date pushed back four (4) times. They've had my 'all in 1K" for almost two years. I, now, have to admit that I think this is a scam and I'm a big sucker. My reservation number is 3412...Does anyone besides me think they've been had ?
Hi James!
Welcome to the forum.
I have been on the sidelines for a while now. I have to admit, the news about the lack of funding was a big letdown for me. There is no way I can deny the possibility that EM could evaporate due to this very issue. However, there is a lot of evidence against the "scam" theory, and I believe that although Paul Elio could have been more transparent about the potential funding issues, he has always acted in what he believes is the best interest of the company, and therefore to reservation holders as well. He has a lot of skin in the game to boot.

Cache Man

Elio Addict
Jan 3, 2015
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Cache County Utah
I think you hit the nail on the head! The whole point of the Elio is to provide reasonably priced, reliable transportation for those who are struggling to make a living. As it stands, Paul and the team have created a vehicle that provides excellent value at a bare minimum profit margin...Not the kind of thing that attracts big investors...in this country, no matter how low the risk. Might be the kind of thing that interests foreign investors tho. You know, the kind that buy up huge bundles of 30yr fixed mortgages at 3% fixed? Lol, Wouldn't that be ironic?...foreigner getting the credit for making the Elio a success? ;) :)
If the stated profit is $1k and the Elio sells for $6800, that is a 14% profit margin. Then if you add items (usually with a higher profit margin) to your Elio it adds to Elio's profit. The 14% margin equates to a $20,000 car selling for a $2800 profit. This seems to me a good profit. If anyone would like to pay more for their Elio they can make a donation to Elio Motors... or give it to Cache Man's Retirement Fund. Ha!

James Lee, to answer your question... No, I do not believe this is a scam or anything close. The only thing I see is Paul Elio trying to produce a car for everyone so more people can have more money to do other life enjoying things. I have never heard of a "rich" person saying, "Gee, I should have spent more on this..." Most self made millionaires buy items at the least price in order to save, and have more money to make more money.

In any case I'm sure there will be some bling'ed out Elios to come.


Elio Addict
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
I feel like such an idiot. I've seen the production date pushed back four (4) times. They've had my 'all in 1K" for almost two years. I, now, have to admit that I think this is a scam and I'm a big sucker. My reservation number is 3412...Does anyone besides me think they've been had ?
Welcome James Lee! No we do not believe Elio Motors is a scam, and we are support Elio Motors team. Elio Motors is doing their very best to make production happen. Elio Motors have the Elio cycle body and chassis already built and test. Elio Motors have a new engine built just for Elio cycle, and a good built engine for Elio Motors. Now we have the plant just for Elio Motors, and it a good place because it use to belong to GM plant. Now here is the fun part and last things need to do is money part and set the date for production in early of 2016. Don't worry it will happen. :)


Elio Addict
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Mesa, Washington
I feel like such an idiot. I've seen the production date pushed back four (4) times. They've had my 'all in 1K" for almost two years. I, now, have to admit that I think this is a scam and I'm a big sucker. My reservation number is 3412...Does anyone besides me think they've been had ?
I had the same feeling when the Seahawks were 3-3 early in the season. I feel much better now. If I could suffer through all the years they sucked, and were at the bottom of the AFC and then the NFC worst. If I could wait 36 years for a Super Bowl Champions hat, and now we might go back to back, 6 months extra for an Elio is nothing. Trust me I CAN wait.
I really don't pay much attention to the negative posts, I believe it will happen because it needs to happen.
I have as much faith in Paul Elio as I do in Paul Allen (the owner of the Seahawks) they both are going to deliver a winner, one already has.
For 36 years I suffered through the jokes, even told them myself.
How do you keep Seahawks out of your yard?
Put up goal posts, they can't get within 20 yards.
The Seahawks fired their coach (pick any one before Pete Carroll) They're going to have Linda Lovelace coach the team.
Oh she might have blown a few, but at least she doesn't choke on the big one.
Portland Oregon asked the NFL commissioner if they could have a professional football team.
He replied 'No, if Seattle can't have a professional football team, you can't have one either.'
Guy walks into a bar with a dog on a Sunday afternoon. Bartender says 'You can't bring a dog in here' Guy says 'oh come on he's a real Seahawks fan, we just want to watch the game', bartender says 'ok but I don't want any trouble out of him'. Late in the third quarter the Seahawks kick a field goal and the dog goes running down the bar barking like mad, spilling beer and knocking pretzels all over the place. Bartender says 'man he gets this excited over a field goal whats he do after a touchdown?' Guy says 'I don't know, I've only had him 3 years.'
And my favorite, which I can't tell any more.
A guy from Seattle, might be the one with the dog, I don't know, anyway he dies and goes up to the pearly gates, and St. Peter looks back on his life and says 'Man you've been really bad, you're going to have to go down below, so the first day he's there the devil asks 'how do you like it here?' Guy says 'Man this is nice and warm, Seattle was always so cold and wet I hated it there. Devil goes out and tells his hench men ' this guy likes it hot we'll show him hot, turn the furnace up, we're going to cook him.' Devil comes in the next day and the guys got a little bead of sweat on his brow, asks 'what do you think now?' Guy says 'well it's hot but it's a dry heat, when it got hot in Seattle it was so humid and sticky, I hated it.' Devils pissed now he tells his hench men 'this guy can stand the heat we're going to make him miserable one way or another, turn the furnace off, turn the air conditioner on, turn the refrigeration unit on, we're going to freeze him. Devil comes in the next day, guys shivering away, got an icicle hanging off his nose. Devil asks 'what do you think now guy says 'I think the Seahawks just won the Super Bowl.'
Yeah I can suffer and wait and believe 36 years, Paul Elio is going to deliver just like Paul Allen did. This wait aint nothing. I CAN WAIT!!


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
As I understood from the Elio press release awhile ago they are actually at the "due diligence" phase of the ATVM loan process, that means as I understood DOE performs a detailed examination of the project's technical, financial, legal, and other qualifications and negotiates the terms of the loan with the applicant. Is that accurate G1? The fat lady hasn't sung, but this is the act where she does.

You got it, this is pretty much the phase where the DOE decides whether to offer a loan or not with the actual loan details being negotiated in the next phase. EM is in the middle of the phase that really matters the most as the DOE is digging through everything submitted and asking for additional information and clarification as needed. Paul Elio even mentioned this is the recent interview where he said that EM continues to respond to questions and request from the DOE but it is hard to draw any conclusions from these requests. This due diligence is very specific to each applicant which also why there is not set timeline as it just takes a long as it takes for the DOE to do proper due diligence on EM. I have no doubt that any recommendations will also be run by the White House before we hear anything however that's just the way the game is played in DC.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
While some of us are concerned about funding that in No way means ELIO is or ever was a scam. Big difference in leadership issues bringing a product to market and a scam. ELIO has hit a wall a tough wall to over come. One it failed to fully address early on . They have scammed no one. The only thing they maybe guilty of is wishful thinking.
Pretty sure most of us that went all in for a $1000 knew the risk.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC
While some of us are concerned about funding that in No way means ELIO is or ever was a scam. Big difference in leadership issues bringing a product to market and a scam. ELIO has hit a wall a tough wall to over come. One it failed to fully address early on . They have scammed no one. The only thing they maybe guilty of is wishful thinking.
Pretty sure most of us that went all in for a $1000 knew the risk.

I'd extend that to folks who have gone "All In" for any amount .... I've mentioned several times that when I first heard of a company selling nonrefundable reservations to buy a product that months (if not years) from going into production, my first thought was the old saying "There's a sucker born every minute" .... I mean seriously, who in their right mind would fall for such a scam ? .... because the P4 interested me, I looked deeper and fairly quickly moved 180 degrees away from that position .... I now believe that EM is run by folks who are committed to bringing a product to market .... there is no question in my mind that Paul Elio doesn't walk on water, being human he does make mistakes, and that he does have a big ego that drives him .... for those who would disagree with the big ego, reference his my way or the highway position on the Elgin .... having a big ego isn't a bad thing for someone trying to bring a product like the Elio to market .... on the positive side it drives him to stand by his core principles (mpg, $$$, safety) .... if EM succeeds, its success can be largely attributed to him and his core supporters .... if it fails, the same is true .... the recent revelations about the funding shortage has changed me in one area, if I wanted a first year Elio and was making a reservation today, I'd put the same money in the "Want In" column
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John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
Lewiston, Maine
You got it, this is pretty much the phase where the DOE decides whether to offer a loan or not with the actual loan details being negotiated in the next phase. EM is in the middle of the phase that really matters the most as the DOE is digging through everything submitted and asking for additional information and clarification as needed. Paul Elio even mentioned this is the recent interview where he said that EM continues to respond to questions and request from the DOE but it is hard to draw any conclusions from these requests. This due diligence is very specific to each applicant which also why there is not set timeline as it just takes a long as it takes for the DOE to do proper due diligence on EM. I have no doubt that any recommendations will also be run by the White House before we hear anything however that's just the way the game is played in DC.
Would starting a White House petition add anything to the process? Even if we didn't get 100,000 signers that would require Presidential review I bet we could get a chunk of signers that would be noticeable.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
Would starting a White House petition add anything to the process? Even if we didn't get 100,000 signers that would require Presidential review I bet we could get a chunk of signers that would be noticeable.

I have no idea if it would help however I doubt it would hurt so why not. :)
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