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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?


Elio Addict
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
Well let's just say for the moment that Elio Motors, as a standalone entity, fails to secure funding. In my view this can only mean that Paul has refused to cede control. I am aware of how loyal many of us are to Paul and his vision and I regard him highly myself. All the same, I'd like the see the vehicle produced and eventually it will be made, if not by Elio Motors, then at 12k a pop by a major player.

Robert Moorman

Elio Fan
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
I put down 2000 dollars .have 2 reservations. was extremely excited for this vehicle. And initially when there was talk on facebook or at live displays they were so confident it was going to be built this summer. Then the delays happened. Im ok with that. But then i started noticing on facebook this last week or 2. People asking questions and elio made about 6 comments that i recall where they state there is a possibility the car wont happen. How do they go from its definately coming this summer to just a small delay to its possible it wont happen??
It will happen but knowing from experience in the design and production of aircraft it takes years until production starts.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
Well let's just say for the moment that Elio Motors, as a standalone entity, fails to secure funding. In my view this can only mean that Paul has refused to cede control. I am aware of how loyal many of us are to Paul and his vision and I regard him highly myself. All the same, I'd like the see the vehicle produced and eventually it will be made, if not by Elio Motors, then at 12k a pop by a major player.

Hopefully it will not come to this however I do believe that a sale of Elio Motors, or its assets including intellectual property, would be forced on Paul Elio by his investors if it becomes apparent to them that Elio Motors is going to lose control of the plant because they do not have production funding in place.


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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Drama Queen.
At some point I'll start a thread to discuss 'Swift Boat' tactics. Some of the past activity we see seems to fit that profile.
But upfront I'll say, the counter measure to 'Swift Boating' is what I alluded to as 'Vulcan Martial Logic', really I mean just tracing back on the claims made, do some fact checking and providing a logical re-assessment of what a reasonable perception might be.
It doesn't hurt to also critique the 'Swift Boat' judgments that were presented.
Frankly, I didn't do that very well up to now, others of you have been much better however. The meaning of my threat is that I'm willing to hike my game up.

A 'Swift Boater' depends on the trend of super busy people, or those with out the education, to depend on the opinion of others. They often try to demonize into a conclusion rather than provide food for thought.
Playing 'Reverse Swift Boating' is not a good counter measure, since that just wastes everyone's time and works to the advantage of the perpetrator, having left no time for the research needed to push the discussion from a political discussion into a factual analysis. Once that kind of food fight breaks out, everyone gets cake on their face, making the whole subject appear to be a bad place to live. And so the antagonist wins by default. He considers it a win to install doubt.

Maybe I don't need a new thread, I think, if not already, by now you all know how that works.


Elio Addict
Jan 7, 2015
Reaction score
Sunny SW Minnesota
I remember a whole lot of people thinking a washed up chicken farmer from Texas could never get a car company off the ground back in the day.

hashtag I kicked Ferrari's ass!
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Elio Addict
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
Hopefully it will not come to this however I do believe that a sale of Elio Motors, or its assets including intellectual property, would be forced on Paul Elio by his investors if it becomes apparent to them that Elio Motors is going to lose control of the plant because they do not have production funding in place.

That is my biggest concern at this point. The engine design, being basically complete with a running example, has substancial value and could likely be used in other light weight cars. Maybe a revenue source could be to sell complete engines to another company??????
Anyway, I too think the design is good enough and the premiss sound. If the funding does not materilize for Elio, someone will "buy it up" and produce it. I will probably still get one (as long as it's not overly compromized) , but the thing that really attracted me to the project was the chance for an engineer to show the "big guys" how to do it! None of the auto companies can do it for anywhere near 6800$ due to their overhead. Sure would be nice for one of the "big mouth" environmental proponents to put their money where their mouth is and fund Elio! Just cause it's not electric dosen't make it any less a game changer to the good!
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