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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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I am one degree of separation from Bill through four different people, so it's kinda funny to think about him bankrolling this. One of my pals just met with him this morning. We refer to him as the Great One, largely because of his philanthropy and his interest in funding human health concerns. Cars don't seem to fit Bill, but cars that emit less global warming gas per year than a cow has the ring of something that might actually catch his eye. That's also the reason I mentioned Melinda's checkbook, not his :)

Now that you mention it though, this might be just the kind of thing he would do. Bill and Warren Buffet are buddies - shared views in many ways and both are avid bridge players. If I learned that either of them were investing it wouldn't surprise me in the least. I've always said that EM is an angel investor play instead of a VC play, and these are the kind of guys Paul is surely hustling for his start-up funds. Maybe that's why Paul is really playing up the social good angle. Hadn't thought of that before.
The black science of investment funding. Thanks for the insight. I think It's especially tuff to gather (for me) that kind of intelligence however antidotal it may be. It's intentionally a secretive and private world.


Elio Addict
May 15, 2014
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Across the river from Minnysota
If press in liners are out ..
As you say and cast in place and coatings are in please list all the manufacturers currently using them?

I must be on a different planet I dont see that at all...and have seen more turn away from coated bores of many types.

If you're gonna post a link to support your outdated thinking, I guess I shouldn't be suprised that it's from the last millenium as well.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
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Could we please not worry about the engine at this point, sleves, liners, spray on liners, doesn't matter at this point. If what Elio has planned fails during testing, I think it will be changed plain and simple. If not, then they will be know as the company like all others, get it out there and we'll worry about failer rates later. My personal belief is, that is not Paul Elios plan or vision. I know all you gear heads have eons of experience with different engines and such but really, how can you criticize something that hasn't been built or tested yet!


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
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Sutherlin, OR
Just for the record, YES! It will happen! Maybe not on MY schedule or YOURS, but it will happen!:D
I'll go one better. Just for the record, YES! It is happening behind the scenes. We are learning about everything not on MY schedule or YOURS, but it is happening! I don't doubt that for even a second! :-) Z


Elio Addict
May 15, 2014
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Across the river from Minnysota
outdated thinking? How so please update me on this new wiz bang stuff.
And who is using it, on what motor,and for how long?

Or are you talking marketing?
That's been offered to you already in others posts. You ignore it. I shall now do the same with you.


Elio Addict
May 16, 2014
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There ate two distinct concepts that, I believe, should be treated independently: whether it is a scam, and whether it will succeed.

Personally, I believe Paul Elio has collected enough in reservations that he would have disappeared already if it were a scam. He has elicited a lot of publicity and has taken a lot of steps to prepare for production--uncharacteristic of a scam--unless every but of press has been fabricated(i find it unlikely).

Will it succeed? I do not know. I went all-in a while back--with an element of faith. Time will tell enough people will see that this is the vehicle and concept we have needed for a while.

Forking over money for a product that does not yet exist is not uncommon--investors do this every day. It baffles me to hear many objections--and claims--the Elio is a scam solely on the basis that they are taking reservations (and money) for a product that does not exist. Some of these risks pay off, while others do not.

I think that the Elio has enough momentum to have a good chance to at least start production.
Tesla was market to people that money is not an issue. That attacks money.
Elio is a day to working person car on a shoe string. That scares big money. 200 million is pocket change to many that have it. If you don't it is a huge amount. I sure hope ELIO makes it. I went 1000 in to do my part. I do live in the real world and know what a struggle Elio has ahead of them
The High End is not sustainable, (from SUV's, to TESLA), 40 years of faulty thinking with very poor results. A realistic, practical foundation is essential. The bailout of Detroit, followed by the Wall Street bailout are indications that the upside down pyramid is collapsing. when the Elio succeeds, it will be the first successful move to turn the pyramid right side up.
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