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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?


Elio Fan
Oct 6, 2014
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Read it many times my friend.

Ford used the same exact process in 2013...
Yet not in 2014? Why?
Just not seeing anyone flocking to it. what I see as only marketing claims I fully do not trust. Prove it. On the street. Strip. Or drag over time.
Mabey the Japanese are using this?
Nissan licensed the tech from ford for the gt-r. Its been in production since 2008 and has proven to be reliable. The engine in the gt-r can be tuned to well over 1000 hp on the stock block and the PTWA cylinder walls hold up fine. In more extreme applications they do bore out the block and put in iron liners but then you're into the 2000 hp range.

In a 55 hp engine it should be plenty reliable. As to why they chose this process for the elio over the iron sleeves, they're trying very hard to hit the 84mpg goal and this helps them do that due to the advantages of this technology.
"Engine weight reductions—the coating can reduce the weight of a V-6 engine, for instance, by approximately six pounds.
Reduced friction between the piston rings and cylinder bore, which has been shown to deliver measurable friction reduction.
Improved oil and fuel economy.
Improved engine performance due to better heat management."

As to why other manufacturers havent adopted it yet, I would say inertia and cost are the main reasons. I expect more engines in the coming years to adopt it. Rumor is ford is developing a 5.0 boosted engine for the 2016/17 raptor pickup that will use plasma coated cylinders.


Elio Addict
Sep 22, 2014
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Morgantown, wv
Well, all info is just saying they are a design firm in the auto industry. Again, Does anyone know a specific engine(s) that they designed or built? And what product was they used in?

Reason I ask, I'd love to read reviews of products that feature there engine.


Elio Addict
Aug 18, 2014
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Northeast Georgia
unfortunately the phrase, "Beating A Dead Horse" comes to mind

your concern is understood and being old school, I'm having trouble with the concept of a sprayed in piston wall .... the bottom line is, Elio Motors is committed to this process .... what you say, what I say is of no consequence .... we hope that as this is being typed one or more motors are undergoing extensive testing .... the results of the testing will determine where they go from here .... I do understand the high compression, long stroke paradigm and I don't believe for one second that they will put a motor in their vehicles that they don't have a high confidence level .... the reality is, they are building a low horse power, low RPM, high mileage motor for commuting .... they aren't building a high performance racer of any sort .... if they were a whole different set of parameters would be involved .... in addition, IAV has a huge stake in the success of this motor .... it exist to design motors for much of the world's automotive industry .... I don't believe for a second that they would risk their reputation and future business by pushing an inferior product


Built quite a few long stroke, 11:1's and severely punished them at much higher rpm than EM/IAV is designing for, so I don't have a problem with that. I don't have any experience beyond a cast block version, but like JEBar I'm certain that IAV wouldn't try to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!! :D
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harlan stephens

Elio Addict
Oct 5, 2014
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United States
Built a quite a few long stroke, 11:1's and severely punished them at much higher rpm than EM/IAV is designing for, so I don't have a problem with that. I don't have any experience beyond a cast block version, but like JEBar I'm certain that IAV wouldn't try to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!! :D
Did you run pump gas?


Elio Addict
Apr 1, 2014
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somewhere deep underground in the NE US
yes the Ford GT-r was what I had in mind about the coatings. I know it has been used since 2008, but sales production is not very high (as would be expected from a high end product), so 'tested' is not really the case. I also perused the forums on these cars, and it seems most people who have them put very few miles on them, and they are plagued with a host of other issues, mainly transmission related if I remember correctly. So just because they have been 'in production' since 2008 doesnt indicate proven reliability - yet.


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
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Thank you pault! I think this deserves a re-post:

Nissan licensed the tech from ford for the gt-r. Its been in production since 2008 and has proven to be reliable. The engine in the gt-r can be tuned to well over 1000 hp on the stock block and the PTWA cylinder walls hold up fine.
Well Harlan, you asked for just one example.....:)


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Elio Addict
Sep 5, 2014
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The Villages, Fl.
Hey, if the Shreveport motorcycle riding Baptist Pastor is behind Elio........it's a done deal, just a matter of time. I thought that was an optimistic article.

The good people of Shreveport have a slightly different motivation. They want to see JOBS and the sooner the better. It is going to go a long way to restoring the damage the community that occurred when the GM plant was closed. If I was still under employed or unemployed, I would want to see more bodies at the factory too. We all find waiting difficult, they feel waiting equates to money lost from their own pockets. Hang in there Shreveport, Elio is coming to help you.
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