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As I See It, Gloves Off...


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I hadn't looked at it this way, but you may really have this right. Maybe they're not dragging their feet, but are giving Elio a chance to demonstrate they can actually do the job and repay the loan.

I think key things that might positively influence DOE are 1. Successful testing of the P5, demonstrating the 75+ mpg needed to qualify. 2. The success of the crowd sourcing campaign (yes, I know they are all just expressions of interest at this point, but $25 millions worth is making a real statement). 3. The number of all-in reservations, which has increased since the app was filed last summer by about 30%. As EM says on the StartEngine campaign page, those reservations translate to FIRM ORDERS for over $290 million worth of cars. Those millions will not only pay for production for the first year, but will make a start on paying back the ATVM loan. That's serious money, and I'm sure DOE is looking hard at that.

It would help greatly if another independent source of funding were available. But we all know the challenges there, and some of the reasons Paul hasn't landed any whales. (His control needs regarding this car are off the chart -- and with some good reasons, but landing big investors ain't one of them.)

So -- maybe DOE is saying, "Give Ps a chance" and holding back their decision for positive rather than negative reasons.
Yes, it seems logical and you are spot on with the positive influences. I think all is positive with EM and the DOE at present and the P5 may just put it over the top for the ATVM loan approval in the next few months. That amount of funding will be the turning point that rallies the Elio to production.


Elio Addict
Feb 22, 2015
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Who is ESG? Source of your information?

I have asked the question to stop the nonsense of people posting false information. Please show me just one patent holder of the hundreds on the Elio? I feel is it the responsibility of the poster in the first instance, after claiming EM value for "intellectual property." I will give you a clue. The "E" in ESG is ELIO, PAUL ELIO. ESG is a totally separate corporation. Now go and find who are "S" and "G"? And while you are at it, confirm who owns all the intellectual property rights? Who holds all the current "value" of the ELIO, while the public hold a ticket to get in a line, to have a peek in an so far, empty bag? Do you understand the structure yet? EM is an empty shell. ESG owns everything of value. The people in control not only have all the cards, they are in a different game. Why do you think it has been so difficult to gain financial support for EM? EM is asking for side bets on an empty pot in a game with no cards. All the chips are in the other game, the ESG game. Are you beginning to get the picture? Why hasn't anyone asked PE about this structure? Am I the only one who understands it? It is classic stock program 101. If you have a great product, you setup a private company which holds all the rights and license these rights to a second company which is financed by public money. You set the fees for these rights. You never risk ownership of the rights, you keep them private. The public takes all the risk and you take any profit. There are many more steps to this program. It has been played out many times all over the world. When EM goes public, we will see ESG holding 90% of the common stock. How does all this effect the production of the Elio? It has made the financing very difficult, if not impossible to get. People with enough money to make the Elio happen are not stupid. They will not buy into EM while ESG holds all the value to the product and controls the revenue stream. The people pledging the $25M don't seem to understand the structure?
I will no doubt get another blast from the moderators, if not outright banned. So be it. Shoot the messenger and keep the truth hidden.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
There is no product, little value, and no revenue stream beyond the dwindling reservation deposit funds used for day to day operations, the few added daily non-refunadable reservations, and the potential $25 Million in crowd funding support. There, in my opinion, lies the reason for the DOE being on the fence in approving the ATVM Loan.

Get the P5 built already! It's long overdue! I want to see some real progress on the road to production. Go Elio!

E-chanting future Elio Owners: We want the P5! We want the P5! We want the P5! Well at least I do.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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I have asked the question to stop the nonsense of people posting false information. Please show me just one patent holder of the hundreds on the Elio? I feel is it the responsibility of the poster in the first instance, after claiming EM value for "intellectual property." I will give you a clue. The "E" in ESG is ELIO, PAUL ELIO. ESG is a totally separate corporation. Now go and find who are "S" and "G"? And while you are at it, confirm who owns all the intellectual property rights? Who holds all the current "value" of the ELIO, while the public hold a ticket to get in a line, to have a peek in an so far, empty bag? Do you understand the structure yet? EM is an empty shell. ESG owns everything of value. The people in control not only have all the cards, they are in a different game. Why do you think it has been so difficult to gain financial support for EM? EM is asking for side bets on an empty pot in a game with no cards. All the chips are in the other game, the ESG game. Are you beginning to get the picture? Why hasn't anyone asked PE about this structure? Am I the only one who understands it? It is classic stock program 101. If you have a great product, you setup a private company which holds all the rights and license these rights to a second company which is financed by public money. You set the fees for these rights. You never risk ownership of the rights, you keep them private. The public takes all the risk and you take any profit. There are many more steps to this program. It has been played out many times all over the world. When EM goes public, we will see ESG holding 90% of the common stock. How does all this effect the production of the Elio? It has made the financing very difficult, if not impossible to get. People with enough money to make the Elio happen are not stupid. They will not buy into EM while ESG holds all the value to the product and controls the revenue stream. The people pledging the $25M don't seem to understand the structure?
I will no doubt get another blast from the moderators, if not outright banned. So be it. Shoot the messenger and keep the truth hidden.
E,S, & G do have a good idea along with a solid and effective marketing campaign.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
They forgot the financial plan, AGAIN. The same as they did with the seats 10 years ago.
I think they had/have a plan, just a little slow to materialize. I actually appreciate your point of view, but probably is as accurate as mine or anyone else's that can only be based on perception/speculation.

The truth? I can't handle the truth! It's still to early in the game to know the whinners.


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
I think they had/have a plan, just a little slow to materialize. I actually appreciate your point of view, but probably is as accurate as mine or anyone else's that can only be based on perception/speculation.

The truth? I can't handle the truth! It's still to early in the game to know the whinners.

It makes perfect sense that ESG would own whatever
'IP' they are entitled to. We all would do the same. Does
that make it hard to raise capital, yup. That they have got
this far is testament to smarts & tenacity & tapping into
the zeitgeist of mobility.......
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