What's your position on riders who choose to ride without helmets and sustain serious head injuries, who, when their usual medical coverages ( if they have any) expire, turn to medicare to sustain them for the rest of their lives ( residential care)?
Perhaps a helmet sign-off waiver- that should you "F" yourself up it won't be the rest of us to pick the tab ?
"Pack us in cotton" (read helmet laws) is, at times to protect you from yourself.
(Nice Healy BTW)
not directed at poster above, rather an attempt to answer the question ..... WHAT IF in an accident where the rider/passenger wore a helmet but severed their spine and were paralyzed .... WHAT IF ? WHAT IF ? WHAT IF ? WHAT IF ? .... laws should be made to protect people being hurt by others, not so much to protect them from themselves .... there is no end to the laws that well meaning bureaucrats can justify in their attempt to have the nanny state protect us from everything that can happen .... I believe in helmets, I only buy highly rated helmets but that's my choice .... as noted by another poster, the argument between personal freedom and governmental limitations to personal freedom is difficult to have without losing friends .... I choose to keep friends where that is possible
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