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Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
Sure hope they are DIFFERENT than the ones that FAILED to get the $260 million ATVM loan.... back in 2010.
Perhaps, but Elio Motors has to show they have sufficient 'additional' funding (over and above the ATVM loan), and Paul Elio, himself said last Aug that the "E" Series build was put on HOLD, due to "FUNDING". They couldn't even build the FIRST of "18 to 26" vehicles that they have said are "needed to finalize the design".
Yes, it is "designed" to carry at least two adult passengers; but the 'operable phrase' is "that achieves" at least 75 miles per gallon, not "designed to achieve"..... very different.

Please cite your source.
There is nowhere in the FaceBook "Terms and Conditions" that you have to maintain a 'Positive Outlook', I did not violate ANY of their guidelines, I only asked QUESTIONS that Elio Motors 'could not' or 'did not want to answer'..... they just IGNORED them, or [Deleted] them. When I was persistent, and re-asked the questions (noting that they had failed to answer them the first time).... they AGAIN [Deleted] them and BLOCKED me, without notification, or citing any 'violation' or reason. NOT the 'transparency' you would expect from a company that claims it is one on their "core values". When I contacted "tellmemore" to get a reason (since I was 'Blocked' from messaging Elio Motors on FaceBook), their response was; "We don't know the particulars [Problem Solved]. When I responded, that I did not consider it 'Solved', and would they check into it...... NO FURTHER reply from them. Those are the kinds of people representing Elio Motors.... and after many years of support..... I no longer respect or believe them!

It really is apparent why they blocked you!


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
That's what she said.

? Are you baiting me again with sexual innuendo ?
I'm not again going to risk censorship - try as you might. Just take your nuts and leave me alone.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
The ATVM Loan is a 'long way off',,,, even if they have the IAV engine, they still have to build the FIRST "E" Series vehicle to put it into... in order to DEMONSTRATE the "at least 75mpg" to the DOE. And I would not be surprised if the DOE required the engine to be EPA 'tested and certified'... BEFORE they approved the loan.
did you know that SILENT and LISTEN use exactly the same letters???


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
There is nowhere in the FaceBook "Terms and Conditions" that you have to maintain a 'Positive Outlook', I did not violate ANY of their guidelines, I only asked QUESTIONS that Elio Motors 'could not' or 'did not want to answer'..... they just IGNORED them, or [Deleted] them. When I was persistent, and re-asked the questions (noting that they had failed to answer them the first time).... they AGAIN [Deleted] them and BLOCKED me, without notification, or citing any 'violation' or reason. NOT the 'transparency' you would expect from a company that claims it is one on their "core values". When I contacted "tellmemore" to get a reason (since I was 'Blocked' from messaging Elio Motors on FaceBook), their response was; "We don't know the particulars [Problem Solved]. When I responded, that I did not consider it 'Solved', and would they check into it...... NO FURTHER reply from them. Those are the kinds of people representing Elio Motors.... and after many years of support..... I no longer respect or believe them!

I have no reason not to believe that you believe the above .... if your post over there were anywhere close to the nature of the ones here, I can understand how they might have felt you didn't "maintain a 'Positive Outlook' " .... that still doesn't answer the question as to why you choose to come here, in attack mode, to vent in to a place that can't do anything about it .... a single post or two to express your opinion is one thing but going on and on ???? .... I doubt anybody here doubts that you no longer respect or believe them, point made, no need to keep hammering it .... the recommendations to consider moving on and trying to find something you can be happy about make sense to me
Last edited:


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
Sure hope they are DIFFERENT than the ones that FAILED to get the $260 million ATVM loan.... back in 2010.

EM was in fact never rejected but instead EM withdrew their ATVM application.

I know for a fact that you know this information as it has been discussed before and has been confirmed independently over time so you writing that EM failed is a FAIL in of itself and really pushing the line in terms of knowingly spreading false information.


Elio Addict
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
SLC, Utah
Sure hope they are DIFFERENT than the ones that FAILED to get the $260 million ATVM loan.... back in 2010.
Perhaps, but Elio Motors has to show they have sufficient 'additional' funding (over and above the ATVM loan), and Paul Elio, himself said last Aug that the "E" Series build was put on HOLD, due to "FUNDING". They couldn't even build the FIRST of "18 to 26" vehicles that they have said are "needed to finalize the design".
Yes, it is "designed" to carry at least two adult passengers; but the 'operable phrase' is "that achieves" at least 75 miles per gallon, not "designed to achieve"..... very different.

Please cite your source.
There is nowhere in the FaceBook "Terms and Conditions" that you have to maintain a 'Positive Outlook', I did not violate ANY of their guidelines, I only asked QUESTIONS that Elio Motors 'could not' or 'did not want to answer'..... they just IGNORED them, or [Deleted] them. When I was persistent, and re-asked the questions (noting that they had failed to answer them the first time).... they AGAIN [Deleted] them and BLOCKED me, without notification, or citing any 'violation' or reason. NOT the 'transparency' you would expect from a company that claims it is one on their "core values". When I contacted "tellmemore" to get a reason (since I was 'Blocked' from messaging Elio Motors on FaceBook), their response was; "We don't know the particulars [Problem Solved]. When I responded, that I did not consider it 'Solved', and would they check into it...... NO FURTHER reply from them. Those are the kinds of people representing Elio Motors.... and after many years of support..... I no longer respect or believe them!
This is the ONLY time I'll be replying to you either... Elio doesn't have to answer your demanding, negative questions with the accusatory tone and neither do any of us! You should have read what you were getting into... AND KEPT YOUR MONEY IN YOUR POCKET!!! Go Elio!

John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
Lewiston, Maine
I no longer respect or believe them!
That is your choice, I'm good with that, I understand your perspective. However I do not share your opinions after looking at most of the things you have posted, there's too much range in how it can be interpreted against all the other information out there.

Over the years I have observed and been involved in the process of making decisions with (in)complete information, for individuals, finance, and public policy, indeed the the most difficult thing to know is what do we know and what do we not know, the same applies to Elio Motors. Without direct and constant internal information from Elio and all of their stakeholders, at best we have incomplete information we can have fun (or anxiety) coming up with all kinds of hypothesis as to what the tea leaves mean. At this point though, we are just debating the color of a dress.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
I HAVE, obviously YOU haven't. Here is what IS KNOWN:
" ATVM Eligibility Requirements

  1. "Projects must be “financially viable without the receipt of additional Federal funding associated with the proposed project”

    --- ATVM is a loan program, not a grant program. It Provides “expansion capital,” not working capital."
    ***They need to show that Elio Motors can complete the project... WITHOUT the loan.... and in an interview, Paul Elio said the loan is needed.***"
    "Elio says the loan would give his company enough money to begin production in Shreveport.
    "We need about $230 million more, and this is $185 million of it." -- http://www.arklatexhomepage.com/sto...t-of-energy-loan/29107/ibwbB2afRUWUODVLVGdo_g --
  1. "Technical eligibility requirements for ATVS/Qualifying components [10 CFR 611.2; 611.3]:

    (b) Ultra efficient vehicle (defined as fully closed compartment vehicle designed to carry at least two (2) adult passengers that achieves either (x) at least 75 miles per gallon while operating on gasoline or diesel fuel or....."
    *** An engine, without the Pre-Production "E" Series vehicle, cannot demonstrate the ability to "achieve" at least 75 miles per gallon.***
    http://cms.doe.gov/sites/prod/files/2015/02/f19/ATVM_Guidance_for_Applicants_11.4.14.pdf --
    *** Awaiting your 'rebuttal'.... with documentation.*** (Nothing 'silly' about the FACTS)
O.K now a rebuttal - I bet in your infinite wisdom, you didn't know "sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart." get it? great, because it doesn't add anything to this discussion, ---as you are fond of doing. But I'm here to hold your hand. Please share the underlying causes of your frustration.
I'm here to help- job loss, wife walked out, ran out of meds? can all be resolved and help relieve your anxiety.
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