The problem is that you are trying to force everyone to have something and pay for it to subsidize your need when they derive no benefit.
That is the exact reason for the obscene cost of cars.
........"in real life city or stop and go driving"......... Take a cab or the subway. Or move out of the city. Don't ask others to subsidize a life style which makes no sense.
In real life, most of my driving is at over 60 MPH. Usually over 70 MPH.
Nah, stronger environmental laws will eventually force you to drive around with SSS or you could switch to a more expensive electric car. Like it or not that is the future for internal combustion engines. Same reasons why your cars have a cat and we don't use leaded fuel anymore.
Personally I like the idea of driving an Elio, because among other reasons, it is low cost and low emissions, therefore (as you might have noticed if you really would have read my posts in their entirety) I was wondering if such an option will be possible or if any thought has been given to the topic in the planning stages.
SSS from a car exporters viewpoint makes just good economic sense, because if you want to sell, let's say to Europe and can't meet their Euro 5 standards or have to much NOx emissions per mile driven, guess what? Your cars don't have much chance of crossing the Atlantic. Ford and GM don't have that problem, because they don't export as much to Europe as compared to manufacturing cars in Europe itself and take a quick guess what these engines have as standard equipment?