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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Was anyone else surprised not to see a reservation number update yesterday?
The vast majority of updates have been on Sundays

2/3 have been 7 days apart or less, and half of those have been exactly 7 days apart.

This is the first time since July that an update has taken longer than 7 days, I'm wondering if daily reservation numbers are continuing to decline...
BTW Your pie charts are beautiful. :-) Z


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
"reservations as of date" is usually a Sunday, but it is usually posted on a Monday. If you want to stare at your computer screen and wait, it should be up between 3 pm and 5 pm EST.
Wow, JNR. I never noticed a consitency of the time. LOL You mean all those times I went to check the website were unneeded? However, the one time I didn't check, they posted the numbers in the morning. I guess I will keep checking frequently. :p :rolleyes: :) Z


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
All of this is supposed to be very low cost, high volume production, so I don't think catering a build experience for the customer is going to be a priority.

To know how much of your vehicle build can be seen in the day of the tour, you have to know how long it takes to build it in flow time. Then of course there is the post-production run test(s). At minimum they drive it out to the shipping area, but most likely there is a short dyno-test with diagnostics.
I'm sure they can-not match up the owner in person to the actual build of his car. So there is time needed to locate the car in the shipping area and catalog it. Unless the vin number shows on an LED board somewhere and the vin was given to you.
So I'd conclude they will have parked your car ready for you the prior day(s). Maybe you have the option of going in the prior day to see all that, stay over night and recieve it the next day. But I doubt they will be able to match you up.
At the GM plant, it would have been easy to do. When the build sheet was printed out and attached to the carriage (car mover), it would have been simple to include a line with the customers "Go by" name. Also, at the GM plant, the QA station was right after the "fueling station" where they added a couple gallons of fuel. The QA guy would start it up, look at the lights, check a couple of little things, then drive it to the parking lot where they were parked with one tire on the white line for consistency. As long as you were qued at the right spot, you'd see the build sheet for your car with your name on it. It could even be really late in the manufacturing process to keep it simple. You'd watch the last few processes and follow your vehicle to a small lot just outside of the final assembly station where you'd look it over and sign the right documents and then be on your way... It really wouldn't have to be much actually.
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