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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017

Music Man

Elio Addict
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
I tend to think the opposite. I think upcoming announcements will be "so good" that the 50% bonus will no longer be necessary. I am confident that EM knows what they are doing. :)
Like and appreciate your views. . . . . , and I pray that you are correct. . . . . , but then I ALWAYS DO pray a lot. . . . , and oh yes; my prayers, like everyone else's ARE NOT ALWAYS ANSWERED!

Good luck with your "guess," my friend. :rolleyes:

Music Man

Elio Addict
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
This is my view on things as well. We are about to move out of the mostly behind the scenes design, engineering, and planning phase and into the hands-on engine and vehicle development phase. This change will provide for a lot more photos and information which is easier for people to relate to and which will instill a lot more confidence in potential buyers.

It is much harder to convince people to put money down on simply a prototype and ideas for the future so a bigger incentive really helped to drive reservations during that time. As EM moves to hands-on development, and eventually setting up the plant, the task of convincing people becomes much easier and the need for incentives decreases.

I personally can't wait to see all the news that will come out just before the end of the year let alone what will continue to be reported next year when the E-series vehicle development program really kicks into high gear. :)
And "good luck" to you and your views on this matter, goofy!

To you also; "I pray that you are correct."

Let's sip a tall cool drink and continue to watch the Monday numbers.

Geez. . . . , but I DO hope that I am wrong, my friend.

There's an old saying that goes like this: " I've never been 'wrong' in my life. . . . . . , Once I thought that I was. . , but I was WRONG." :oops: :D
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Elio Addict
May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Across the river from Minnysota
It is much harder to convince people to put money down on simply a prototype and ideas for the future so a bigger incentive really helped to drive reservations during that time. As EM moves to hands-on development, and eventually setting up the plant, the task of convincing people becomes much easier and the need for incentives decreases.

True. I've said before, I am a hands on guy. Yes, I want one. No, I'm not reserving one until I see, and more importantly drive one.

Yes, it will cost me in terms of savings and a longer wait, but I'm OK with that.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to see the progress over the next couple minths, though!


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Personally, I don't think the 50% bonus was as important to the numbers such that we'll see a lower rate. I just think it gave a prompt get a load of people to jump off the fence. So I think we'll get back to more regular numbers soon.
However, there is a bit of expectation that some progress needs to happen. While it doesn't people will stack up on that fence again. As soon as we see something juicy, we'll see a surge again.
I think the engine work is a big lump of work such that there are long silent periods. That's not good for constant reservation rates.
Hopefully, the testing activity will allow interesting and incremental progress reports. This would encourage boldness for new reservations in a continuous stream.
Frankly, I'm looking forward to the day when they reach the limit of the program and they announce a cut off date. And I hope that's well over 68000.
It would be a significant milestone when that happens.
We did find out one thing. It takes about two weeks for the effect of something to flush through to the weekly report. Therefore next week should just be the start of the rebound.
Unfortunately, the hole in the schedule due to Texas is coming up. We'll see how EM back-fills that.
I don't know where the P4 will be, but the P3 will be in Las Vegas for the Barrett-Jackson Auction. :-) Z


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
I don't know where the P4 will be, but the P3 will be in Las Vegas for the Barrett-Jackson Auction. :) Z

This is a good question, we know the P4 is scheduled for some kind of media appearance or something along these lines. I hope EM has something really big up their sleeves! :)


Elio Addict
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Wylie, Texas (DFW)
This is a good question, we know the P4 is scheduled for some kind of media appearance or something along these lines. I hope EM has something really big up their sleeves! :)
I hope it's something really big as well. To not take the P4 to the Texas State fair (although canceled now) and the Barret-Jackson Auction - two very large events with a lot of exposure, I have a feeling it will be something big


Elio Aficionado
Jul 30, 2014
Reaction score
Indianapolis, IN
Doubt its anything big... Nothing truly big has came out for 6+ months. Simply put P3 was to be at the auction P4 at the state fair during the same time frame. P4 got pulled, P3 stays in Vegas. Nothing special or hopeful is happening

Texas has recently modified the permitting process required to display a vehicle in the state. Given Elio Motors did not receive notification of this new requirement until earlier this week, we are not able to secure the required approvals from the state in time to participate.
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Elio Addict
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Wylie, Texas (DFW)
Doubt its anything big... Nothing truly big has came out for 6+ months

Texas has recently modified the permitting process required to display a vehicle in the state. Given Elio Motors did not receive notification of this new requirement until earlier this week, we are not able to secure the required approvals from the state in time to participate.
I understand why they canceled, but they had already pulled the P4 from the fair prior to cancelation because of a conflict. It was going to be a P3 showing as will it be at the Auction. It may be nothing, but those are two very high exposure events to have only the P3 scheduled. Just have a feeling something bigger is in the air for that to happen.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Doubt its anything big... Nothing truly big has came out for 6+ months

Texas has recently modified the permitting process required to display a vehicle in the state. Given Elio Motors did not receive notification of this new requirement until earlier this week, we are not able to secure the required approvals from the state in time to participate.
Baby steps, Hightech are still signs of progress.
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