Elio Addict
Another fine example of a civilized discussion resulting from one's opinions being disagreed with and one's beliefs being challenged.
News flash for all:
The original person that posted the picture of the sign at NASCAR stated that the picture was taken on February 27.
It's the exact same sign that they had at WPB April 17 - 19.
Here's the link for the NASCAR picture.
PE was asked if the motor "met their power and torque benchmarks" at the New York International Auto Show.
He answered "No". He went on to say that "everything was within 5% of their targets".
They have always said that their target for HP on the IAV engine was 55HP.
The New York International Auto Show was when?
Drumroll please...
March 25 - April 3.
Vassallo's sign at NASCAR and WPB states 60HP.
He's asked at WPB if the sign "is correct".
What's he going to say? NO?
The truth and this link to PE's quote will set you free.
OMG, how could this possibly be!
I feel so disillusioned and betrayed!
Blindly believing everything someone tells you and continually making excuses for them enables them.
They will not alter their current pattern of behavior until you stop enabling them.
I didn't even have to try to pretend to exaggerate on this one.
I'd offer up some crow, but we have vegans here.
I'm really not sure what your issue is.
........."everything was within 5% of their targets"..................
Would you have liked it if he said 'everything was within 9% of their targets' ?
And keep in mind that saying "within 5%" doesn't necessarily mean "Less" than the target.
Remember Lois Lerner's e-mails were lost and gone forever, until they found 6500 of them on a backup tape in W. Va.
(We don't know what they said, just that they exist, so it isn't political.)
And 5% of $6800 might be $7140 or $6460
And 5% of 84 might be 88 MPG or 80 MPG
And 5% of 49 might be 51 MPG or 47 MPG
Or it could mean some are up and some are down.
Not everyone needs a shysters disclaimer on everything.
How about a disclaimer on wedding vows?
Or on campaign promises?