Elio Addict
Could you qualify 60HP as being the latest quote with a link or reference to where and when it was stated?
The reason I ask is that Vassallo's 60HP quote conflicted with a later EM statement that said 95% of the 55HP goal was reached.
Keep in mind Vassallo did not say it will get almost 60HP, he clearly said it was getting almost 60HP.
.95 x 55HP = 52.25HP. And that may not even be right.
That vague percentage may refer to what they've projected as a target for the engine without the components yet to be installed.
I've learned that EM does nothing without a reason.
You can bet there's a reason they released a percentage and not a concrete HP number.
If that's the case, it may even be substantially lower than 52HP.
If "almost" 60HP is again the latest figure actually achieved, why the waffling?
I think the 60HP was on a sign at the Atlanta show.......... Or someplace in the South East. It was a NASCAR event as I recall.
Wish I could give you an exact date.