Yo' KarnajWell, I'm pretty new to these forums (less than a week) and have only known about the existence of the Elio for a couple days longer. But I haven't been this excited about something in a long time. In the last week and a half I have probably digested more information on the Elio than most competition eaters do hotdogs. Anyway that brings me to the point of this post.
I have talked to my better half (trust me she is sooo much better) and she has agreed to let me take the family to the L.A. Auto Show. Since it is only 20mi from my house it wasn't too hard of a sell. We have decided to probably go on that Friday after Thanksgiving. This brings me to a couple of questions. 1) Having never been to an auto show or seen the Elio team, do you think I will be able to sit in the car and ask a TON of questions? Will the presence still be strong on the public days instead of the media days? 2) May I have permission to claim representation of this forum? I would like to think they would be more receptive to someone from a strong, well known collection of Elio lovers. And finally 3) What would you all like me to ask? I will be checking on this thread and compiling a list of questions to ask. I will try to ask as many as I can and they will field, but want to know what you all would like to know. Please keep the feel of the forum going and give me both topical and fun questions, as this place seems to do well.
Thank you all and I hope to hear from many of you.
BTW... yes I will ask about the yellow. How can you not do yellow?![]()
Another member came up with a question for you to ask; to be honest, I don't remember anyone asking about this before, so the answer will be a first.
"Will Elios have a keyed ignition or the new style key fob for the ignition (the push button start)"?