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L.a. Auto Show...gimme Input


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
An acceptable level of quality has to be in the Elio they cannot afford to mess up the launch of the Elio.

I don't expect a Rolls Royce but at least Hyundai level
They have to e competitive with all the decent cars out there. A latter-day Yugo makes no sense at all -- no one would buy the thing, no matter how cheap it was. Why? Because it's already so far from the norm, being a tandem trike and all, that if it's crap to boot, no one will perceive the risk as worth it. Deluxe it doesn't have to be, but adequately civilized and durable, yes it does.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
Karnaj I have a suggestion for your list.
Reading through it, a number of the questions are things we've asked you to do while you're there (the measurements, the pictures, etc.)
And the balance of the questions are items to ask the Tour Group about.
How about splitting your list to reflect each category? Like one list of "Asked" questions; another list of "pictures / observations"; and still another list of "To Do while there" .

Just trying to make it easier for you, since you probably want to spend some of your own time with the Elio and not be "The Elio Owners Field Reporter" the whole time you're there. :hat:


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
I'm sure this has been answered, but I get confused. Does the Manual version have a clutch pedal?

The manual has a clutch.
The automatic does not have a clutch.
The automatic is optional at an extra cost.
The manual is reported to be an Aisin BC5.
The automatic is reported to be an Aisin MC5.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
You may want to make an adjustment to your questions after reading this:


Top 3 Questions Answered – 10-15-16
by The Elio Team

[Broken External Image]

Happy Friday Elio’ers! We hope that you are enjoying the early Fall – Football, apples, pumpkin spiced everything, the changing colors... what a great time of year. For many of us though, this is the calm before the storm, winter is on the way. We’ll be ready though, right?

This week we are going to answer the Top 3 questions that we have received through email over the last few months and, of course, a couple more pictures of the P5 to enjoy too. Let’s get to it:

Question 1: Options. What are they going to be? How much will X cost? When will we see all the information?

This is a very popular question as we all are excited about how we can make the Elio our own. You may want extra grab handles and some body modifications, where someone else wants all the fun electronics, cameras and heated seats. That is the beauty of our options strategy. The Elio will come in seven colors and two transmissions, everyone will have to make those two decisions. But that is where the fun starts!

The options that will be available will be varied and abundant. You can see many of the possible options on the website. The list of after sale options is potentially huge and demand will determine what will be offered both through the Elio after sale program and through aftermarket providers. We most likely will have almost everything that you can think of that is available for a car or motorcycle on the road today: Stereo options, Bluetooth, input jacks, power for your toys, grab handles, body modifications, fender options, seating options (heated, power etc.) and much more. We will choose which items will be available through Elio and what items that will be aftermarket only. The list will have something for everybody.

The final list of options and the pricing will be available in advance of production so you can have some time to mull over your decisions before your Elio is produced. Reservation holders will receive an email alerting them to a link that will take them to a website to order their Elio as much as a couple of months before your Elio is built.

[Broken External Image]

P5 Build - Drivers Side - Frame and Interior Panels

Question 2: Where can I see my Elio account? Where do I log in to my account?

By press time today, every reservation is available in the online account management system. To access this, simply click here to be taken to the login screen. The email you used to make your Elio reservation is your user name and the password is either one that you created when you set up your account, or if you were one of the original reservation holders (before October 26, 2013), you were emailed a password in the last two weeks. If you can’t find your password, don’t worry, there is a “forgot password” option on the login page that will email a new password to you.

This will allow you to see your reservation (or reservations) whenever you would like. We will ultimately have a lot of fun tools for you to access through this customer portal which will evolve over time.

[Broken External Image]

Top View - Sleek lines.

Question 3: How much can I put down on a reservation? How do I upgrade? Can I upgrade my refundable reservation?

The highest dollar amount we take for any one Elio reservation is $1,000. However, you can reserve as many vehicles as you would like at any reservation level ($1,000. $500, $250, $100).

If you have a refundable reservation you will need to convert your refundable reservation to an “All In” reservation to apply an upgrade. The reason for that is there are different agreements for a refundable reservation and an upgrade (nonrefundable). The process is very simple and you can get that form here. Simply fill the form out and email it to us at tellmemore@eliomotors.com and we will handle the rest. This is the same process you would use to convert your refundable to an “All In” reservation without an upgrade too.

Upgrades are always popular questions and to answer them all here would be a long read. First, to upgrade your reservation, click here. Only “All In” reservations are able to be upgraded, and your new reservation level is effective at the time of your upgrade. Remember to use the same account (email) so we know where to apply the upgrade. The system looks at email addresses only as we have a lot of shared names in the system with over 46,000 reservations!

Once your upgrade transaction to $1000 All In is completed, that becomes your Spot In Line (SIL) time. So, if you are waiting to upgrade to $1000, don’t. Every day you fall farther down the line. Do it now if you are planning on doing it before the next SIL mailing, which goes out every 8 weeks or so. The next one is due in mid-November, so lock your SIL now.

Elio Preview Tour

October 24-25 – Chandler, AZ - Chandler Fashion Center - 3111 W Chandler Blvd - Times: Sat – 10 am-9 pm - Sun – 11 am-6 pm, P4 show

+++ Check the website often as we are working on a bonus tour stop for late next week! ++

Thank you for your support!

The Elio Team | October 16, 2015 at 5:17 pm


Elio Addict
May 19, 2015
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
You may want to make an adjustment to your questions after reading this:


Top 3 Questions Answered – 10-15-16
by The Elio Team

[Broken External Image]

Happy Friday Elio’ers! We hope that you are enjoying the early Fall – Football, apples, pumpkin spiced everything, the changing colors... what a great time of year. For many of us though, this is the calm before the storm, winter is on the way. We’ll be ready though, right?

This week we are going to answer the Top 3 questions that we have received through email over the last few months and, of course, a couple more pictures of the P5 to enjoy too. Let’s get to it:

Question 1: Options. What are they going to be? How much will X cost? When will we see all the information?

This is a very popular question as we all are excited about how we can make the Elio our own. You may want extra grab handles and some body modifications, where someone else wants all the fun electronics, cameras and heated seats. That is the beauty of our options strategy. The Elio will come in seven colors and two transmissions, everyone will have to make those two decisions. But that is where the fun starts!

The options that will be available will be varied and abundant. You can see many of the possible options on the website. The list of after sale options is potentially huge and demand will determine what will be offered both through the Elio after sale program and through aftermarket providers. We most likely will have almost everything that you can think of that is available for a car or motorcycle on the road today: Stereo options, Bluetooth, input jacks, power for your toys, grab handles, body modifications, fender options, seating options (heated, power etc.) and much more. We will choose which items will be available through Elio and what items that will be aftermarket only. The list will have something for everybody.

The final list of options and the pricing will be available in advance of production so you can have some time to mull over your decisions before your Elio is produced. Reservation holders will receive an email alerting them to a link that will take them to a website to order their Elio as much as a couple of months before your Elio is built.

[Broken External Image]

P5 Build - Drivers Side - Frame and Interior Panels

Question 2: Where can I see my Elio account? Where do I log in to my account?

By press time today, every reservation is available in the online account management system. To access this, simply click here to be taken to the login screen. The email you used to make your Elio reservation is your user name and the password is either one that you created when you set up your account, or if you were one of the original reservation holders (before October 26, 2013), you were emailed a password in the last two weeks. If you can’t find your password, don’t worry, there is a “forgot password” option on the login page that will email a new password to you.

This will allow you to see your reservation (or reservations) whenever you would like. We will ultimately have a lot of fun tools for you to access through this customer portal which will evolve over time.

[Broken External Image]

Top View - Sleek lines.

Question 3: How much can I put down on a reservation? How do I upgrade? Can I upgrade my refundable reservation?

The highest dollar amount we take for any one Elio reservation is $1,000. However, you can reserve as many vehicles as you would like at any reservation level ($1,000. $500, $250, $100).

If you have a refundable reservation you will need to convert your refundable reservation to an “All In” reservation to apply an upgrade. The reason for that is there are different agreements for a refundable reservation and an upgrade (nonrefundable). The process is very simple and you can get that form here. Simply fill the form out and email it to us at tellmemore@eliomotors.com and we will handle the rest. This is the same process you would use to convert your refundable to an “All In” reservation without an upgrade too.

Upgrades are always popular questions and to answer them all here would be a long read. First, to upgrade your reservation, click here. Only “All In” reservations are able to be upgraded, and your new reservation level is effective at the time of your upgrade. Remember to use the same account (email) so we know where to apply the upgrade. The system looks at email addresses only as we have a lot of shared names in the system with over 46,000 reservations!

Once your upgrade transaction to $1000 All In is completed, that becomes your Spot In Line (SIL) time. So, if you are waiting to upgrade to $1000, don’t. Every day you fall farther down the line. Do it now if you are planning on doing it before the next SIL mailing, which goes out every 8 weeks or so. The next one is due in mid-November, so lock your SIL now.

Elio Preview Tour

October 24-25 – Chandler, AZ - Chandler Fashion Center - 3111 W Chandler Blvd - Times: Sat – 10 am-9 pm - Sun – 11 am-6 pm, P4 show

+++ Check the website often as we are working on a bonus tour stop for late next week! ++

Thank you for your support!

The Elio Team | October 16, 2015 at 5:17 pm

Now days photos don't cost anything, so why not some more detail snaps?.....Please!
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