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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?


Elio Addict
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
Really, that much? I didn't know they thought they'd get $70M. But if they expect to hit production by end of 2015 then they had better monitize that gear now or borrow against it. Those assets, valuable though they are, are not very liquid. I'll take a look again at their board and see who their finance guy/gal is.

Has anything reputable been said regarding whether the $185M is in addition to this $70M and the real number to get to production is $255M?


Elio Addict
Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
One of the companies that got turned down for a $40 million government loan in 2009 was XP Vehicles. When challenged as to why they had not produced a prototype vehicle their response on their website was as follows:

"A prototype car has nothing whatsoever to do, in any way, shape or form, with a volume production car" and "To suggest otherwise is the height of naiveté and is only suggested by the most unsophisticated members of the public, or competitor cyber-bullies."

Taken with a proper grain of salt, this remains a worthwhile reminder to all that further changes are likely, not for us to be surprised, and that teeth gnashing over these necessary changes (think P3 to P4 fenders done to improve mileage) serves no purpose but venting.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Paul Elio actually has two things locked in the typical concept vehicle and new start up car company never achieves that ultimately leads to failure:
1. A concept vehicle that is proven to be widely accepted by all demographics with 35,000 + reservation deposits. Which actually encourages investment capital to roll in.

2. A fully equipped Manufacturing Facility with an experienced labor force ready to go back to work.
Which is funded, available, and waiting. The largest funding hurdle of all...... ready and waiting! This also encourages additional funding opportunities.

3. Partners.......that share the vision and passion to make it happen.......along with a few key politicians.
Wait that's 3 things.

The one exception is Tesla Motors.........soon to be followed by Elio Motors............two different but very important companies to the future of transportation.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
My impression is that 'our' President was distracted by his decision to call in support to approve Elio's DOE Loan Application.

Frankly, if it wasn't for his Executive legislation and support of the auto "bailout" there would be little left of the auto industry as we knew it.......with no remaining auto parts suppliers for Elio to partner with......no Elio start up. Mitt stated that he would allow the mismanaged GM and Chrysler to fail along with the small town economies that relied heavily on the auto dealership business in their communities. The economy saved, we all have our Elio reservations..............so I don't get it!


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
My impression is that 'our' President was distracted by his decision to call in support to approve Elio's DOE Loan Application.

Frankly, if it wasn't for his Executive legislation and support of the auto "bailout" there would be little left of the auto industry as we knew it.......with no remaining auto parts suppliers for Elio to partner with......no Elio start up. Mitt stated that he would allow the mismanaged GM and Chrysler to fail along with the small town economies that relied heavily on the auto dealership business in their communities. The economy saved, we all have our Elio reservations..............so I don't get it!

Based on what I heard from the manager of a Lexus dealership, (his brother owns Toy/Lex dealership), I agree. When this was going on, I had said, "It probably won't hurt your feelings if GM goes under. Then you (Toyota) will have a bigger market share"...He shook his head and said, " If GM fails, we will ALL suffer!" He explained that the "ripple effect" would be SO Large, that it would have quickly crippled the auto industry and every corner of the economy.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Well if you were one of the bond holders in the GM bail out you sure got burned. Funny how no one brings up how they were allowed to just ignore the law.
I was a life time GM owner. bough a Ford after that never a GM again.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Well if you were one of the bond holders in the GM bail out you sure got burned. Funny how no one brings up how they were allowed to just ignore the law.
I was a life time GM owner. bough a Ford after that never a GM again.
The one good thing we all share in common is EM.................and the Elio.
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