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What Milage Would You Accept To Get Your Elio?

wizard of ahs

Elio Addict
Apr 28, 2014
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Terre Haute, Indiana
You would think that we should easily beat a bike. I have 40,000 miles on my 07 KLR and got between 50 and 65 mpg depending on my speed. My 2014 CB500X gets a solid average of 64 over my 12000 miles I have put on it. 84 mpg is going to be tough to get, but I am hopeful for about 60-70. That would be pretty awesome along with the weather protection and a heater. I need it to be reliable though as I am looking to travel with it in my retirement.
I plan on taking mine along the old "Route 66" :)

wizard of ahs

Elio Addict
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Terre Haute, Indiana
What is an LLR?
He stated LRR.................Long Range Rifle :p
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Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
The mileage that it gives has nothing to do with how fast you get your Elio. So I really don't understand the question. What it should be is this:
What level of quality and reliability are you willing to accept to get your Elio"

Elio could have you a car next week that gives 84 mpg but it could be a hunk of junk. Testing takes time and can be cut shorter if you just assume things will be fine and hope for the best. Quality suffers if you rush the project. Tesla had problems with the Model 3 because they were rushing to get to production. Look at all of the posts here talking about the quality issues with that car. If Elio makes cars that have ill fitting bumpers, the car rattling and the rear hatch leaking (just using generic examples) would you be OK with that? Would you be OK with when you get 5K on it, the ball joints are loose or the left window regulator breaks? Maybe it's no big deal if you work on your own car and it's a garage queen but for the thousands that can't and will rely on it everyday, they will be posting here their issues and then go to other outlets. That alone can hurt a company much more than anything.

Elio will be going through "manufacturing hell" because they have never built a car, let alone thousands of them on an assembly line. Assuming that they will get it right the first time is something that is not realistic. If they rush the job, then that "not getting it right" will be multiplied by 10. That is something Elio cannot afford.
"Production hell" probably won't hit Elio like it has Tesla. The reason is that the production line is already in place and was established and capable of producing 533 vehicles per 8 hours of line run-time. The Elio is much more simple to produce. The individual jobs on the production line are relatively simple. They won't exactly be recreating the wheel in Shreveport.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
Appearently the elio is not much more simple, I can fill my empty garage space with a Tesla as I type.
The Elio will obviously be more simple than the Tesla. Elio doesn't have billions to get the company started so it'll take more time to get started producing... obviously.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
"Production hell" probably won't hit Elio like it has Tesla. The reason is that the production line is already in place and was established and capable of producing 533 vehicles per 8 hours of line run-time. The Elio is much more simple to produce. The individual jobs on the production line are relatively simple. They won't exactly be recreating the wheel in Shreveport.
I wish life was that easy. Tesla was not reinventing the wheel either with the Model 3. It's build like any sedan on the market today and actually simpler. It's that every expert in the business knew what was going to happen and it did. Going from building around 10K-20K units per year is easy. Going to 20K+ is the challenge. Tesla ran into that challenge and I know that they thought, having all of the latest equipment, hiring the best of the best in the automotive industry and using blue chip suppliers was going to be a turn key operation. It obviously was not and Tesla had about 10 years of making cars behind them.

The Elio is not any simpler to make than let's say a Nissan Versa or Mitsu Mirage. If it is, I'd like to know how. You have to remember, it's not just building the car physically but it's things like human resources, suppliers and supply chain management. This is something Elio Motors has little on hand experience with. They have one guy that has any manufacturing experience. So, they will need to be hiring a bunch of people soon and currently, the best of the best are already employed. They will have to be wooed away with a larger salary.

Just because they have a current plant does not give them instant success. That would be like if you got Jimmy Johnson's car and all of the equipment minus the crew. Then thought you could go out and win a race because he did.


New Member
Apr 17, 2017
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About '95 I drove my '90 Civic from Chicago up to Vail, Co. non stop. I gassed up in Vail from empty and found out I got 53 MPG. This was driving at 60-65 mph with three amplifiers, a 15" sub, four 6.5" mid bass, two four inch with front mounted tweeters and two bass shakers under the seats. I do not think achieving over 80 mpg should be all that difficult. I will be happy with whatever they come up with. I would be happier if they gave the option of optimal mileage or performance (a supercharger would aid in both set ups). I will be ecstatic when it comes to be.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
One thing that hasn't been mentioned is exhaust "noise". For some, they want a header and a ferocious sound. Me, I would like it as quiet as possible. I don't need to burn rubber either. Just give something with traction and a somewhat peppy acceleration for highway on ramps. I drive sixty miles a day and comfort is also important. Oh, and I've suggested it before, two sun visors.
I think it was Coss that posted an electric rumble sound off the radio to fill the need of open pipes.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
About '95 I drove my '90 Civic from Chicago up to Vail, Co. non stop. I gassed up in Vail from empty and found out I got 53 MPG. This was driving at 60-65 mph with three amplifiers, a 15" sub, four 6.5" mid bass, two four inch with front mounted tweeters and two bass shakers under the seats. I do not think achieving over 80 mpg should be all that difficult. I will be happy with whatever they come up with. I would be happier if they gave the option of optimal mileage or performance (a supercharger would aid in both set ups). I will be ecstatic when it comes to be.
ME? I'd have to stop and pee every few hours from all the vibs!


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I think it was Coss that posted an electric rumble sound off the radio to fill the need of open pipes.
The SoundRacer. Although, I like the ultra quiet Arcimoto, I may get one just for shock value when drag racing 3wheelin’s SOLO off the line or cruisin through a quiet Elio owner’s neighborhood that needs a little excitement, and rides with my Harley owner brother.

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