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Where Do You Stand Now?


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I agree with what you stated but have one complaint. As one of the first to reserve an Elio it was clearly communicated that production should start in mid 2014. I know the defination of "should" so no need to elaborate it for me. Elio should have been much more responsible in advertising this date. They knew what could cause delays and brushed them under the carpet as "no big deal" to entice people like myself in signing up early to keep the numbers growing. If Paul had been more truthful in letting everyone know his potential pitfalls the numbers would never have grown and I probably wouldn't have signed up so early. He knew if he told the public back then that it could potentially 2-3 years before he delivered then the numbers would not have been there to convince his investors. I'm glad I helped and I'm glad I have a low number and "may" eventually get to drive one but at the same time I feel lied to like a lot of other early "all in's" do. I see alot of people on this forum that call us complainers and that's okay. Maybe if Elio has to come out again and tell everyone it's not going to happen until 2016 then you'll get it. I keep my complaining to a minimum and still keep my creamsicle and sour apple pom poms handy but enough is enough. Paul has been in this game since 2009 and he knows where he stands in the alligator pit. He has enough information at this point to predict an accurate delivery date and if he fails to deliver in 2015 then the man is full of BS.
The man has a BS. Deadlines are predictions and he has been predicting fairly well in the big scheme of establishing a new startup company with the many daily decisions, details, and deadlines some being totally out of his control. Imagine his frustration level operating with his BS in "will get it done" as he puts fires out all day long. I decided to cut him a little slack should there happen to be another short delay........all though the current deadline is still doable if all the last minute details fall into place.

Music Man

Elio Addict
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
My prediction is mid 2016 IF the DOE loan goes through. If the DOE loan goes bust then at least I have a $1,000 T-Shirt. Based on what was said in previous posts about the DOE loan it may not even get approved until 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2015. This WILL be the reason given for the next delay announcement, and there WILL be one.

My point is this, just tell the truth. Everyone on this forum thinks their getting an Elio next year and their going to be disappointed. A majority of the posts I read are filled with expectations of sugarplums and Elio's by next Christmas. The grinch is going to steal that one. If everyone thinks their getting an Elio next year someone or something must have convinced them of that. Words like "likely", "should" and "expected" fall on def ears when "Production expected by 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2015" is plastered everywhere and highlighted in every news article I ever see. Even in the "Trunk" email I got today the second sentence reads "This is our first Friday of fall and all we can think about is taking our Elio for a fall spin next year! How awesome would that be?" What is that telling everyone????????? Just tell the truth. I want to see an offical Elio post that discusses all the possible delays and the potential results in terms of delays. Elio wont do that because they need the reservation numbers to keep growing. If they stop growing, potential investors will become nervous and may back out. Elio will make the next delay announcement in the 2nd quarter of 2015 and the new prediction will be 2nd quarter of 2016. If they do that then any new reservation holder will only think they have a year to wait and the numbers should continue to grow.

Just my opinion, but does anyone have $20 they want to lose?
491, ONLY a blind fool would take that $20.00 bet.

The writing has been on the wall for a VERY long time now. Hope Ya don't get too beat up and brushed by that oration, but there will be all sorts of "wet blankets" thrown in your direction, trying to smother your opinion and quench the flames of doubt before to many are awakened here.

All that I'm going to say is: Read the EM blog post from yesterday. It is entitled "Nearing the Finish Line." Does it really say anything new or add any confidence building information?

Maybe we ARE nearing the "Finish Line;" but WHICH Finish Line would be my question.

COME ON PAUL ELIO, YOUR TRUE SUPPORTERS, the ones that you are counting on to buy into all of this are WAITING. PLEASE GIVE US SOMETHING NEW!!


Elio Addict
Sep 11, 2014
Reaction score
Suffolk, VA
This article didn't even have the decency to use the words "likely", "should" and "expected", they just flat out said what EM wants everyone to believe.

"The company said it will begin production of its enclosed, three-wheeled vehicle in 2015, with more than 34,000 people having reserved vehicles."


Yes I know, the wet towels are coming. My complaint isn't about the Elio car, it's about the Elio leadership who uses deceptive methods to keep the reservation numbers growing. To set the record streight, I would have still laid down my $1k back in 2013 even if I was told a 2016 delivery date. EM may be revolutionizing the personal transportation vehicle but I also think there is some old school politics and deception thrown in there as well. I want them to succeed and I want to drive an Elio but Elio already knows it can't meet the 2015 deadline and won't make the announcement. Stop blowing your creamsicle smoke up our arses.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
I'm in because I wanted to support the dream. I'm a little nervous to be All In because of the risks associated with the non-refundable designation, but that was my choice when I decided to make the leap from Want In to All In as well as to accept the risk and the potential to loose my investment in the dream.

I knew the chances relating to all the different hurdles that could obstruct the development and production of a radical new vehicle like an Elio. However, it was and remains a chance I'm willing to take. I remain optimistic about the chance to own and drive a first year production model Elio and accept all the risks that are associated with waiting for it to be built and the chance that said vehicle could require special care and careful maintenance as a result of being and early adopter.

Ask the people about their new iPhone 6 and the fiasco about IOX 8.? That's what we've signed up for and those are the kinds of risks we have accepted. Am I frustrated because I can't have my new car now? Sure. Is my "wanter" cranked up to maximum level and making me impatient for delivery? You bet. But I still believe and am proud to be supporting the dream!

Rock on Paul Elio!
Well said and I share the same dream and accept the associated risks. No one made me do it and I accept the responsibility for my decisions.

Music Man

Elio Addict
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
This article didn't even have the decency to use the words "likely", "should" and "expected", they just flat out said what EM wants everyone to believe.

"The company said it will begin production of its enclosed, three-wheeled vehicle in 2015, with more than 34,000 people having reserved vehicles."


Yes I know, the wet towels are coming. My complaint isn't about the Elio car, it's about the Elio leadership who uses deceptive methods to keep the reservation numbers growing. To set the record streight, I would have still laid down my $1k back in 2013 even if I was told a 2016 delivery date. EM may be revolutionizing the personal transportation vehicle but I also think there is some old school politics and deception thrown in there as well. I want them to succeed and I want to drive an Elio but Elio already knows it can't meet the 2015 deadline and won't make the announcement. Stop blowing your creamsicle smoke up our arses.
You know, I can be VERY patient with "things" like this. . . . , As long as you are truthful, up front, from the get-go.

In other words, if you tell me that I will receive "such-n-such" on the 31st day of December, in 2019. . . . . . Then that's it. Here's my money and I will be back to take ownership on December, 31st, 2019 and between now and then, I will NOT bother you, nor whine to you about ANYTHING. I will go my way. . . BUT, come December 31st, 2019, you damn well better deliver on your word, or I am coming after you. In a legal way, but I AM COMING LOOKING FOR YOU!

I become very upset and irritated with people that continue to move the finish line.

Enough said.

Let's just wait and see which "camp" is eating crow next September, or October.

What's that smell? Hmmm. . . . . .could it be the early stages of crow being browned in a cast iron pot? I think we will soon know. . . . . . . . . . .

Music Man

Elio Addict
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Hmmm. . . . . , why do I feel as though I were in Australia, on an Ostrich Farm?

Why is that so many here, seem to have their heads in the sand. Doesn't ANYONE look or think about other possibilities or possible out comes? Is there only ONE answer to everything, and it has to be the one you are looking for, or it just doesn't exist?

Just curious folks. I've got my eyes closed tight, and all of my fingers and toes are crossed. . . . . . , but I AM a realist, and I DO live in the real world where EVEN death is real and can come at any moment.

I want this car MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. . . . MORE than anything I've wanted in my life lately. . . . . , but I remain vigilant to ALL possibilities and with the current track record, or lack there of. . . . . . Well, I think you can see it too.

You just don't want to accept it's possibility. :rolleyes:

I know you don't like to hear folks mentio. Anything "negative" on this forum. And NOR DO I.

So if Ya would, please, move over a little so I can bury my head alone side yours. :D


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
For me death is more likely a day or two before my Elio is delivered to the front door. I'm old . There is no reason this autocycle won't be built........perhaps another out of EM's control production delay......but it will be built. I've followed many Vaporware Concepts over the past 10 years........none had production facilities lined up and waiting. None had 34,000 + pre-orders or created this much excitement and acceptance by the average driver. IMO


Elio Addict
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
I would love to have mine right now. I will be happy to get one when it's built. I made the decision to "invest" in this product, after all thats what a non refundable order is. An investment and a vote of encouragement. I know very well the date may slip, oh well, I have no control over it. I believe Paul Elio is sincere in his belief in the SORP date,but I also HOPE that he has the courage to hold off if it' not ready. I want it soon, but ,more that that, I want it RIGHT. Our honks of encouragement might help, will definately not hurt. Bad press WILL hurt, especially when it is basedc on assumptions that coul very well be in error.
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