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Where Do You Stand Now?


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Don't ride that long black train........keep the faith........good news it coming soon. :)
I have faith in the ELIO, just none in the management of the company. They need a CEO that has their ducks in a row this group does not.
Even if they released some good news who would listen anymore. They must show results.
The cheerleads have left the field game started long ago and they have not taken the field.
Any big investor watching was waiting , they needed to see ELIO deliver. If they had their hand on the send key they pulled it back. If they were going over information provided them by Elio they may well be wondering how accurate it is. Failure and set backs are part of everyday business. They are overcome by action that corrects. You don't get the chance to mess up that often. Company may survive , but you get a chance to start over somewhere else.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score

Hang in there.

My investment in interest, support and energy have been well worth it. For instance, I have met you and hundreds of other people I would have never known. That alone has far exceeded whatever I have put into this project. In fact, today I am meeting with a fellow Elio shareholder for lunch today. Have never met the man before other than on this website to discuss our love of the Elio. What is a new friend worth?

Don't know where you live but our group in Ohio has had get togethers where we meet face to face rather than on a computer. Plans are to set up a meet somewhere in Columbus in the next month or so. All of this without a vehicle. Just hopes and dreams.

The world is full of BS. If you plant a seed friendships can grow with the BS.
Oh, wise one! A group of good people with a sense of humor sharing a similar interest is a worthwhile investment of time and energy.
My Idaho Elio Chapter's entire membership share my wild and crazy outlook. Wild and crazy meetings to say the least. The total membership last time checked is 1.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I have faith in the ELIO, just none in the management of the company. They need a CEO that has their ducks in a row this group does not.
Even if they released some good news who would listen anymore. They must show results.
The cheerleads have left the field game started long ago and they have not taken the field.

Maybe the CEO has his ducks in a row, but yielding under pressure from investors, providing there are investors to yield to and a CEO with his ducks in a row.

I'm only certain about one thing, that is the pressure everybody is under at this point in time.
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Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
This is why often when you see a company taken control of by new investors ,one of the first things they do is get rid of people. There is a reason they invest in the company. They see a good investment being poorly managed. They correct the problem ASAP. Happened at the company I work for, over doubled the stock price in a year and still going. The investors did not do the managing they brought in the right people.
You do not miss stated goal after goal and stay around, anywhere except a dream world.
We did not get an Engine start today , but we did get another cheerleader video on the web sight. Gentlemen please Start your engine.
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