Elio Addict
Any vehicle can certainly be a ‘lemon,’ irrespective if any laws would be applicable or enforceable. Besides even trying to invoke the ‘Lemon law’ even in jurisdictions that allow it is a time consuming PITA. Just go for broke and get the public eye and embarrass them. No one, especially in today’s climate, likes negative exposure.
It is not necessarily a lemon. One part is bad, and once replaced the vehicle could be years trouble-free (a big unknown). They just don't seem to be very competent finding what is wrong. I would have been willing to trade -in for a different make/model and pay a few thousand more for an electric golf car, but everything they have is an LSEV (low speed electric vehicle), which all go 25 MPH max.
Nothing currently on the market is equivalent/comparable to the AYRO 311. This is why I keep waiting!!!