Welcome to Elio Owners! Join today, registration is easy!
You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.My Gawd wheaters! Please move to America, and go to work for Elio if this is spare time work! I really like the idea of using another auto as a parking brake! LOL.I am rather surprised that more progress hasn't been made on the car. I'm a mere amateur working on my car in my spare time but have totally rebuilt it. including designing, making and fitting a one-off fuel injection system for the Suzuki Swift /Geo Metro engine (and one other important modification....) since early May when it looked like this:
It now looks like this:
I thought I remembered hearing about a left side foot rest for those long trips and there it is.
Nice detail.
It does look like an odd shop/work environment for a custom prototype car builder, but progress nonetheless less with much more work to do.I could not work with those people, they're slobs. Toolboxes must be empty because they have them spread out everywhere; how can they find anything? I understand keeping out the tools you're working with but that is just crazy.
1/2 empty 2 liter bottles of Coke that are probably warm and flat <yuk>
The P5 looks good, and a lot further along than it has been in previous pictures.