Elio Aficionado
The simple reasons for EM choosing an AMT over other types of automatics are fuel efficiency and cost. An AMT equipped Elio will achieve the same or better fuel economy than a manual transmission equipped Elio. The single clutch AMT is also slightly less expensive than a traditional torque converter automatic which are also heavier and less fuel efficient. CVT's are more expensive and don't get better fuel economy than a modern torque converter automatic however some people like them for their smoothness. Dual clutch automatics are fuel efficient however at this time they are the most expensive type of automatic.
Some people already don't like the fact that they could could pay $500-$1000 more for an automatic equipped Elio so the AMT is the best option.
It is likely wise to wait and reserve judgement on the AMT equipped Elio until after we find out how it really drives as comparing it to the Smart is not likely a good comparison either as the Smart AMT design is over a decade old now and the Smart is a heavier vehicle so we will just have to wait and see how a newer generation of AMT works in a lighter vehicle.
Completely agree, as usual
That sounds very distractiing!Z
Would take some getting used to at least, but sounds like a good idea to me if done properly.