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The Elio Engine

Christopher Lee

Elio Fan
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
You are correct that I 'distrust' Elio Motors. I supported them for 4 1/2 years, since 2009, paid my $1,000 #925, but when I ask them a simple question about their 'Elio Engine Facility' and their 'Regional Marshaling Centers'....... instead of saying; "We can't release that information yet" or their standard, "closer to production"....... they [Delete] the post and BLOCK me from the Elio Motors FaceBook page. You are correct, I do not 'trust' them any longer. After they get your 'money'..... customer service goes out the window!

WOW, O.M.G I am in shock, I hope not true, if it is, this scares me.....


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
Tested and True! I wonder what the price to get this engine/transmission wholesale would be to put in an ELIO? I wonder if ELIO thinks they could produce thier own engine cheaper???? What is there main reason for thier own engine? They should have built thier own further down once in motion, not at start up.. This could have possibly opened doors sooner? Use the above? Thoughts? Idea's? Elio Execs will read goo posts and use ideas...They used one of mine...

If you were starting your own company would you put yourself at the mercy of a direct competitor?
Purchase a mission critical component with no guarantee of future availability?
Somehow, that doesn't hit me as a well thought out business plan.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
I hate to say it, but this quote above is so true! Fair NO WAY, but it's life, and what people expect, especially when it has to do with your money!!! I put my money in two year or more ago, and asked for it back. Why? Because of the above, they kept pushing back. The engine deal crushed me, and I just found out yesterday from Mr. Painter. I wish someone like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet could get on board and get this mule rolling....

I'am a large fan of Elio, my family and friends think I'm crazy. Why? they think death trap, but this is my mid life crisis mobile, so please get it rolling so I can enjoy, and travel on three wheels without such a large carbon footprint!!
Christopher Lee, welcome from another Elio fan in New Mexico


Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
Tested and True! I wonder what the price to get this engine/transmission wholesale would be to put in an ELIO? I wonder if ELIO thinks they could produce thier own engine cheaper???? What is there main reason for thier own engine? They should have built thier own further down once in motion, not at start up.. This could have possibly opened doors sooner? Use the above? Thoughts? Idea's? Elio Execs will read goo posts and use ideas...They used one of mine...
Their original plan was to use somebody else's engine. But there aren't any other engines out there that can push the Elio to 84mpg.


Elio Aficionado
Nov 15, 2014
Reaction score
And from the way it looks there will be none anytime soon. Don't even look for an Elio engine before the fall of '15 at the best.
Anyway the idea of using someone else's engine I don't think was ever an option. Their engine price would put Elio's market price out of range of $6800.00.
Elio will never sell for $6800 or will ever get 84MPG unless they go electric and get the weight down.
Face it, the Elio people just aren't smart enough. Sad but true. Dreaming, everyone does it.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
I hate to say it, but this quote above is so true! Fair NO WAY, but it's life, and what people expect, especially when it has to do with your money!!! I put my money in two year or more ago, and asked for it back. Why? Because of the above, they kept pushing back. The engine deal crushed me, and I just found out yesterday from Mr. Painter. I wish someone like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet could get on board and get this mule rolling....

I'am a large fan of Elio, my family and friends think I'm crazy. Why? they think death trap, but this is my mid life crisis mobile, so please get it rolling so I can enjoy, and travel on three wheels without such a large carbon footprint!!
"please get it rolling" might not be the best phrase especially when it's turning over instead of going forward, if that's the case then I must state RUCRAYZE??


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
And from the way it looks there will be none anytime soon. Don't even look for an Elio engine before the fall of '15 at the best.
Anyway the idea of using someone else's engine I don't think was ever an option. Their engine price would put Elio's market price out of range of $6800.00.
Elio will never sell for $6800 or will ever get 84MPG unless they go electric and get the weight down.
Face it, the Elio people just aren't smart enough. Sad but true. Dreaming, everyone does it.
Electric is cheaper? LOL If it were cheaper, the government wouldn't have to subsidize them. (and they wouldn't cost more)
See the Elio engine before Fall of 2015? LOL The engine is built. We've seen it. It's being Dyno tested already. It's already been built.
"Go electric and get the weight down"? Find another 1,200 pound car on the market... and put in a 990# battery (Tesla's would be good)... Wait a second... there aren't any sub 1,200 pound cars on the road, are there? Hmm... What to do, what to do... Here's an idea... Let Elio build their car as they plan... Let them use the motor that IAV (VW's engine designer) already designed and is testing... We could even have them built in the factory that Elio already has... AND, use the equipment that is already there... programmed and set up by Comau, the largest manufacturing automation company...

Wait, I think all that's already being done. I don't know what I was thinking.
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