How about Al Gore he has billions laying around and green is a subject he is an expert in.
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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.How about Al Gore he has billions laying around and green is a subject he is an expert in.
good idea (but it's her money lol)
Tax payers did bail-'em out, but after the dust settled, the tax payers got back in the coffers more than the taxpayers put out.GM went from making the most cars in the world to bankrupt , US tax payers had to bail them out and laws changed by a president to stick bond holders.
It happened for one reason piss poor management. Had GM been forced years before to deal with the changing world it would have never happened.
Ford seems to figure it out. GM made a great product a long line of them it had cash flow everything they needed they failed.
ELIO on a smaller scale has the same problem GM had the wrong management.. However ELIO is not to big to fail, there will be no tax payer rescue .
The ones doing the most damage to ELIO right now are the ones that hide their heads in the sand, drink the tea and cheer go team. That allows them to live in the dream world. ELIO has had a wake up call . They look in the piggy bank and it was empty.
Time to build a company and quit living a dream. It is not easy. It requires long days no time off and no more Dreaming it will all get better.
After 40 plus years of owning GM I switched to Ford and never looked back. I am all in with ELIO. We can dream the management can't no afford to.
ELIO #8019 already has a parking space marked out just not build the garage yet.
Tax payers did bail-'em out, but after the dust settled, the tax payers got back in the coffers more than the taxpayers put out.
Bond holders did not and the story line about getting more back was a lie. Still it was caused by piss poor management.Tax payers did bail-'em out, but after the dust settled, the tax payers got back in the coffers more than the taxpayers put out.
Two 2014 Fords in my drive way. Rest of the family all switched to Ford.
When they figure out how to fund it so they came built it Elio #8019 will have a place between the Fords and the Harley'smate this Ford to a Elio and it would be perfect