Elio Enthusiast
This picture demonstrates why white should not be the chosen color. For marketing purposes, I look at this photo and the car is very forgettable and blends in to the background. No one will say "look at that awesome white car". On the other hand, how many people have talked about "that bright orange car". The Creamsickle is certainly not the color I would get, but the bright color is memorable and has been a great marketing tool. The P5 needs to be bright as well, that's why it should be red or blue. People need to think bigger picture, not just their personal preference.
Think I might have to agree here. I like white cars, but for advertising the color won't really pop unless there is a good contrasting background. Does anyone remember the Chevy truck commercial that shows the same guy in front of two different vehicles? You can watch it here if you haven't seen it or you need a refresher.
Whenever my husband and I would see the commercial we would always joke that the truck has absolutely nothing (or probably very little) to do with peoples perception. It's the color. Take that same truck and change it to the silver color of the car so it blends more into the background and then make the car red instead and I think the reverse may just happen. People will remember the red car because it has good contrast against the background. Brilliant marketing on Chevy's part. I will say however Elio did a nice job showing off the white version of the car on its home page against the beautiful autumn coloring. The orange background really makes the white pop.
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