Elio Addict
That last spike was most likely from the Fox news broadcast.
Welcome to Elio Owners! Join today, registration is easy!
You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.Hi there goofyone, kindly provide me with website. I'd really like to reserve a tyke.The website was updated today and the number just keeps on climbing. Now officially up to 11,705 total reservations.
Hi and welcome to this site, Linda.Hi there goofyone, kindly provide me with website. I'd really like to reserve a tyke.
Hi there goofyone, kindly provide me with website. I'd really like to reserve a tyke.
Linda, Welcome to the Elio Owners forum from Atlanta, GA!
As Neal was kind of enough to write you can visit www.eliomotors.com to reserve your very own Elio.
We are very glad to have you here. You have joined a very diverse group of people from all over the country who really enjoy discussing everything there is to know about this interesting vehicle. I hope you enjoy your time here reading about and/or discussing all there is to know about Elio Motors.
Once you make your reservation I invite you to fill out our reservation survey which helps us visualize the growing numbers and locations of future Elio Owners. For more information visit this link: http://www.elioowners.com/threads/elio-reservation-map-and-survey.1129/
If you ever happen to have any issues while on this forum please be sure to notify a staff member as we are here to help.![]()