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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017

Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
If we maintain that average for the remaining 167 days of the year we will be at 40205 by December 31st. GO ELIO.[/QUOTE

All 24,507 reservations taken so far can be filled in less than 4 months of production, making 250 per day. Starting off slow it might be 5 months of production. At this rate it going to take them till March - April - MAY next year to get a years worth of reservations.

I'll like to see Elio step up advertizing and sales. They need to be bringing in more reservations per day before the big bucks come in to pay the production line workers, the first few months and we get our elios on the road.

I read they have the money to make the sacrificial 25 models. I hope Elio puts them at least seven of them on DRIVING TOURS FOR A FEW MONTHS as soon as they are made. Now, that will kick the sales up. Two people in each pretty painted vehicle attending parades, festivals and fairs in every small town across American. No more paying rent for malls, no more hiding in a gas guzzling trailer. But, out there in American's Face day and night.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
I believe if they had one more car to show they could be there sooner...but logistics are what they are for a start up like this.

As you said they are a start up and we know building the current prototypes has not been cheap. At about a half million dollars just to build them the reality is that it likely costs about as much to build a prototype as to put on the traveling tour for a year. Reservation numbers will come naturally as news of the E series being built and undergoing testing convinces more fence sitters to jump in and when the test drive events happen next year even more people will jump in. I don't know what number of reservations they will take before cutting off the first years production or the 50% bonus however I doubt they will ultimately have any difficulty selling out at least a years worth of production in advance.


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
I have bunches of wild assessments about this.
And you can guess they haven't firmly desided exactly what the first year production will be.Just generally. I suspect, they've estimated up to a ratio of reservations/sales as low enough risk(like 2:1 or 5:1). If they over produce they could suddenly export to Canada, Mexico and China etc. If they under produce they'll expand the next year. However, given the goal is $6800, they will likely stay on thier planned target production rate no mater what. The rate was likely planned on a pershift basis, as a guess, two shifts at 80% capacity, 5day week.(I could be wrong and it's 1 shift at 90%, or 1shift at 70%?)

They stated 240units per day(2shifts?) so I count that at 54000(5dayweek) to 84000(7dayweek) units per year, or up to 126000(7day3shifts) units at max. If 80% can go up to 100% then maybe as high as 150000 units. (gets close to that 225kunits Paul talked about in the past)

So they can adjust the shifts and work week as needed. Very much I think the shift adjustments planned will depend on how reservations go after some prototypes are bashed and they announce how that went.


Elio Addict
Jun 2, 2014
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Top of Utah
Just wondering what effect union organization might have on production. A machinist recently told me he went to work for a unionized company. He got his job process down and was able to produce 25 items per shift. The union told him that 8 was how many he was to produce per shift. If Elio hires former GM employees there is a likelihood that they will be pro-union and expect $40 per hour.


Elio Addict
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
on the shores of Lake Erie
We have to eliminate the idea of maximum production levels set by union representatives. If not, at some time this vehicle will be produced in another country. It's time , we as a country, need to re-establish our superiority as a manufacturing entity.

The us vs them needs to be country against country not union against management.


Elio Addict
Apr 12, 2014
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Last edited:


Elio Addict
Jul 1, 2014
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
I have bunches of wild assessments about this.
And you can guess they haven't firmly desided exactly what the first year production will be.Just generally. I suspect, they've estimated up to a ratio of reservations/sales as low enough risk(like 2:1 or 5:1). If they over produce they could suddenly export to Canada, Mexico and China etc. If they under produce they'll expand the next year. However, given the goal is $6800, they will likely stay on thier planned target production rate no mater what. The rate was likely planned on a pershift basis, as a guess, two shifts at 80% capacity, 5day week.(I could be wrong and it's 1 shift at 90%, or 1shift at 70%?)

They stated 240units per day(2shifts?) so I count that at 54000(5dayweek) to 84000(7dayweek) units per year, or up to 126000(7day3shifts) units at max. If 80% can go up to 100% then maybe as high as 150000 units. (gets close to that 225kunits Paul talked about in the past)

So they can adjust the shifts and work week as needed. Very much I think the shift adjustments planned will depend on how reservations go after some prototypes are bashed and they announce how that went.
The Elio rep I spoke with yesterday in Corte Madera mentioned an initial production goal of 500 units per day and that would be as per only 2 shifts - I expect a somewhat lower actual production rate.
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