anything named "polydimethylsiloxane" has to be pretty tough ....I will use bolting as well as liberal amounts of polydimethylsiloxane, being as the 'box' will be fiberglass being attached to steel frame components.

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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.anything named "polydimethylsiloxane" has to be pretty tough ....I will use bolting as well as liberal amounts of polydimethylsiloxane, being as the 'box' will be fiberglass being attached to steel frame components.
anything named "polydimethylsiloxane" has to be pretty tough ........ info appreciated
yep, I'm among those who calls it Silicone
Lookin' good! The frame.... not you!Well I created the bulk of the new forward frame today, and you can see from the driver's seat point of view, that I have create the flat sides internally just as I wanted. This will make life a lot easier to design and build the new footwell box.
Also the new frame is a lot faster, easier and cheaper to build.
Remember that when you save an hour here and there on a production run of many items, it all adds up to the Wife finding new useless things for you to do around the house ... sigh ....
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with your foot well box on one end and the gas tank on the other, I'm really looking forward to seeing how you will route the exhaust
I”ll bet that made you fuming mad...Well I had a brilliant thought on how I might be able to do it, but then realised it was just a pipe dream.
well understood ...Well I had a brilliant thought on how I might be able to do it, but then realised it was just a pipe dream.