Elio Addict
first I've heard about timing for test drives other than when the stores open
Not quite so. See post number 9 on this thread going back to January 2014. It's the same correspondence from EM.
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Here, here! And, well played, by the way!
power steering pump and power brake boost aren't working, and an unskilled driver will careen into whatever is in front of them.
I guess that is the heart of the question. An 'unskilled driver'.
I am no advocate for GM, but there are issues here that don't add up, and I am willing to ask politically incorrect questions.
What percentage of our drivers are 'unskilled'? for example. Why is it someone else's fault that they can't handle the same kind of vehicle malfunction that a 'skilled' driver can? Why do we allow 'unskilled' drivers on the road? Aren't they a danger to other drivers, and themselves? Have we NO expectation of a driver's ability to handle a vehicle emergency? Where do we draw the line? If my air conditioning goes out can I blame the manufacturer for crashing my car 'cause I had sweat in my eye?
I drove a car for a year that had the power steering pump disconnected. At anything over 5 mph you could barely tell the difference. There is no loss of steering unless the steering lock actually engaged, which I have not heard alledged. Brakes are a bit different I'll admit, but I still have to wonder how many accidents brake booster failure should cause? How much of my driving time am I in a position where booster failure will result in an accident? And a FATAL accident? Almost NEVER.
The scenario we are supposed to believe is that at the exact moment of highest brake booster dependence the ignition switch falls to the off position, shutting down the engine. And somehow the remaining vacuum in the system is insufficient to bring the vehicle at LEAST to a slow enough speed to make the resulting collision survivable without airbag deployment.
Again, I am no advocate for GM, but I'm not buying it. Is it possible that the ignition switch problem was found to be a convenient excuse for accidents that might have had nothing to do with it? A little coaching of the 'victims' and suddenly routine bad-driving accidents become a multi-million dollar lawsuit against GM. What is the more likely scenario? Does our legal system really work that way? You BET it does!
I know I'm about to get seriously flame-broiled for this, but I just don't accept everything at face value. Maybe I'm wrong?
Wheaters, my hat is off to you. I do believe this is the best "Blow-Out" story I have heard. Congrats for being able to live through it, and at 85 mph downhill. Did the girlfriend make it up to you after she found out that you had saved her life???Many years ago, in my teenage years, I had a 1964 BSA motorbike. I was out in the hills with my girlfriend on the pillion seat. The rear tyre blew out as we were going flat out downhill, about 85 mph. On a spoked wheel with a tubed tyre, the tyre really does lose it's pressure instantly.
The next few seconds were interesting to say the least. The bike wanted to crab sideways and wagged its tail like a mad thing. At one stage we were on the grass verge.i was hanging on for grim death, knowing that if I braked we were off the bike.
As if this wasn't interesting enough my girlfriend thought I was messing about to frighten her. So she started yelling blue murder and pummelling me on the back!
I kept the bike upright and brought it safely to a standstill. The problem was caused by a bent nail which had chewed the inner tube to pieces.
Looking back, we were very lucky to be in one piece. Thankfully I had learned to ride off-road when I was eleven years old and was used to handling a bike on mud and wet grass. Without that experience I would have been poorly placed.
I was thinking of asking you if she married you. Double congrats!!!She married me in 1977.
As punishment......![]()