Zelio, that dress is BOMB! You are a talented designer/seamstress! Did you happen to ask anyone about towing the Mini-Mate behind the Elio? I'm hoping to be able to tow a Timeout from the same company.
Vera Wang eat your heart out!

Welcome to Elio Owners! Join today, registration is easy!
You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.Zelio, that dress is BOMB! You are a talented designer/seamstress! Did you happen to ask anyone about towing the Mini-Mate behind the Elio? I'm hoping to be able to tow a Timeout from the same company.
Hi Everyone from Oregon,
I am going up to Portland on Friday, July 11. I'm hoping it won't be as busy on Friday as I assume it will be on Saturday and Sunday. I have invited a friend to ride up with me. Right now I assume we will be there around 1. I hope to see some of you there. I can't wait! LOLZ
I did ask about towing and was told they will not say no but they will not take responsibility. This is apparently in line with what Harley Davidson says. So we do so at our own risk. There has been some detailed discussion of the subject in other threads here that you might want to read. The Timeout you are thinking of may actually be too heavy to be safe to tow. I believe the suggested weight by experienced towers was either 1/4 or 1/3 the weight of the Elio. Goofyone is one of the very experienced voices on this subject because he does a lot of towing related to his business. :-) ZZelio, that dress is BOMB! You are a talented designer/seamstress! Did you happen to ask anyone about towing the Mini-Mate behind the Elio? I'm hoping to be able to tow a Timeout from the same company.
Thanks for posting these Goofyone! My older son saw them while we talked long distance on Saturday night and was thrilled with the progression. I promised I would let you know. He was so excited he almost forgot to look at his mother's pictures. LOL :-) ZP1
P2 (P1 chassis with body panels and basic interior)
Tech Talk Article: http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=24b371802c83d81776b06aa68&id=e32f0f9f33&e
"Z, Queen of the ElioOs", I like that. I second the....wait, someone beat me to that... I 4th the motion.Aw, Ya just like my legs. lol Z is The Queen.
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Hi Zeilo,
Very nice to have lunch with you and friend, here are the pictures you asked for...
see ya on the road next year in our Elio's...![]()
P2 (P1 chassis with body panels and basic interior)
Tech Talk Article: http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=24b371802c83d81776b06aa68&id=e32f0f9f33&e