Welcome to Elio Owners! Join today, registration is easy!
You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.Two idiots are riding around looking for a place to have a picnic. One says, "Hey, lets have a picnic over there under that tree."
The other idiot says," No, no, lets have it in the middle of the road."
They fought and came to a decision to have it in the middle of the road. Not long afterwards a car came speeding towards them,
swerved off the road, and then ran into the tree.
The second idiot says, “See, if we were over there we would be dead right now."......................................
(Psssttt....hey Mark, it's a Lexus, you know, all electric)Just in case they run out of fuel ...
(Psssttt....hey Mark, it's a Tesla, you know, all electric)