A magical frog is walking through the forest. He comes upon a bear and a rabbit. He says, "Since you are the first creatures I have seen,
I will grant you each three wishes."
The bear goes first and says, "I wish I was the only male bear in the whole forest."
The rabbit says, "I wish for a helmet." Poof they got their wish. For the bear’s second wish, "I wish I was the only male bear in the whole country."
The rabbit says, "I wish for a motorcycle." Poof they got their wish.
For the bear's last wish, "I wish I was the only male bear in the WHOLE world."
The rabbit makes his last wish by saying, "I wish the bear was gay."
Then he strapped on his helmet got on the motorcycle and rode away. .......
I will grant you each three wishes."
The bear goes first and says, "I wish I was the only male bear in the whole forest."
The rabbit says, "I wish for a helmet." Poof they got their wish. For the bear’s second wish, "I wish I was the only male bear in the whole country."
The rabbit says, "I wish for a motorcycle." Poof they got their wish.
For the bear's last wish, "I wish I was the only male bear in the WHOLE world."
The rabbit makes his last wish by saying, "I wish the bear was gay."
Then he strapped on his helmet got on the motorcycle and rode away. .......