I have not heard anything about the Eliocoin in a long time. Are they still trying? And who would trust Elio after the reservations, stocks, misspending , and everything else debacle?I never found how much ESG or even Roush got paid. I know ESG got paid in $25M in common stock (25M shares back in October 2011) but I never seen a cash amount. Only thing I can assume is that ESG has sold stock and thus they could have made that back. With no recent SEC filings, it's hard to tell what is going on. This is why you don't invest in companies that don't have SEC filings. This is because lots of things can go on and you have no idea that it's happening until it's too late.
What worries me is when the Eliocoin comes out and they start releasing SEC filings again (as per Paul, they will be doing this as it's scrutinized), you'll see a whole new set of financials and typically, the existing stockholders get shafted. In the end, that's OK as long as it gets the Elio closer to production. That's what we all want.