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I Couldn't Wait


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Even if Elio got the ATVM loan today, they still have to tool up the factory and then ramp up production. That would take at least a year. Assuming they've already done some tooling at the factory they might get a few elio's out the door by the end of the year. I'm a mechanical engineer and I've been involved with starting up new production lines. I don't see Elio doing much with the production line plans until AFTER all goes well with the E-series vehicles. Assuming they had access to all the cash they needed I'd be shocked if they started production less than 9 months after E-series testing. If the E-series testing reveals design flaws then you can tack on an additional 6-12 months to fix design flaws. Granted my experience is not in vehicle production but I don't think I would be that far off.

Not trying to rain on anyone's parade but just trying to provide some perspective. I'd be ecstatic to be proven wrong and bring my Elio home for Christmas but I'm not holding my breath. I'm hoping I actually get mine mid 2017 but I'm not optimistic about that date either.
I appreciate your perspective. That's kind of how I view it too. Sharing your opinion about a potential production delay based on slow E progress and funding shortfalls is not raining on anybody's parade. Better than discussing color options and a dash.

Also, Gas-Powered Awesome is spot on in the above post. Obviously, some views differ on EM's ability to meet their stated production dates, but is in no way negative.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2015
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Elio has been 100% wrong for every one of the half-dozen or more roll-out dates they have published since 2008. Why would that date be correct? We'll be very lucky to see them by mid-2017. No Chicken Little, just proven history.

The aforementioned SEC filing was quite an eye-opener, in terms of exactly how close EM is to production. Their financial projections and timetable passed the scrutiny of the Feds enough that EM was permitted to offer stock to unqualified investors, so I'm pretty confident in their projections. After Aptera, I'm sure every government agency is stepping extra carefully when it comes to automotive startups.

EM admitted that engineering changes brought on during testing of the Engineering vehicles may delay production, and waiting for approval of the ATVM loan could also cause delays (and is already to blame, if reasonably so), but that's it. Everything else is planned out and on-track. Add to this that EM has begun work on the 25 Engineering vehicles slightly earlier than initially projected, and I'd say we're on-time to Q4 2016.

No, we don't have pictures yet. There's probably not even anything to see yet. Based on the E- timeline, we probably won't see anything until March...but the works is underway all the same :)


Elio Addict
May 29, 2015
Reaction score
The aforementioned SEC filing was quite an eye-opener, in terms of exactly how close EM is to production. Their financial projections and timetable passed the scrutiny of the Feds enough that EM was permitted to offer stock to unqualified investors, so I'm pretty confident in their projections. After Aptera, I'm sure every government agency is stepping extra carefully when it comes to automotive startups.

EM admitted that engineering changes brought on during testing of the Engineering vehicles may delay production, and waiting for approval of the ATVM loan could also cause delays (and is already to blame, if reasonably so), but that's it. Everything else is planned out and on-track. Add to this that EM has begun work on the 25 Engineering vehicles slightly earlier than initially projected, and I'd say we're on-time to Q4 2016.

No, we don't have pictures yet. There's probably not even anything to see yet. Based on the E- timeline, we probably won't see anything until March...but the works is underway all the same :)
The E-series no doubt will be built and tested because they acquired the funding for it. But if they don't get the ATVM loan and no angel investor/s steps in, we'll use your imagination! EM's march to production is dictated by funding, that's not a secret. The pressure is on...and the clock is ticking!;)


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
we probably won't see anything until March...but the works is underway all the same :)[/QUOTE]
With March about 2 weeks away, I'd be amazed to see something, other than the next blog ( talking how well the E started in sub-zero weather and of course the 50k reservations)

Rob Croson

Elio Addict
Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
The aforementioned SEC filing was quite an eye-opener, in terms of exactly how close EM is to production. Their financial projections and timetable passed the scrutiny of the Feds enough that EM was permitted to offer stock to unqualified investors, so I'm pretty confident in their projections.
Keep in mind that the SEC acceptance of their proposal to sell stock does not, in any way, speak to the viability of the company, or any form of endorsement of the viability of the company, or it's ability to return any kind of profit or product. It is merely an acknowledgment that the company has fulfilled the requirements of financial disclosure. You could sell stock in a company that proposes to send cardboard submarines to the bottom of the Mariana Trench for sightseeing tours, if you had your prospectus in order.

The SEC is there to make sure you're not lying about your financials, not that you're a good investment.


Elio Addict
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
somewhere deep underground in the NE US
Need or Want?
Both actually, I need a small commuter vehicle, I want an Elio, getting both is out of the question, but I can choose one. IF the Versa holds up another year, and the Elio follows shortly, I will replace it with the Elio, if not, I will have to do some serious shopping for a highly energy efficient vehicle. Also I figure the Elio really will come in about 10k with some options, and including transportation costs. When shopping for cars, it is rare to find one at 'base price'. Since the Elio is 'ordered', I have a bit more control over the options there, so I can keep costs down, shopping for a commuter car I have less ability to get exactly what I want (a completely stripped down base model). State laws govern certain option packages as well, (I assume these will not apply to the Elio), of course assuming is dangerous. Some states require you to buy rear windows defrosters, power steering and power brakes (and ABS and low tire warning systems), and good luck finding a dealer who doesn't have all these 'packages' already installed on the lot. Even my 'stripped' Versa was 17k, although I think I remember base price was about 14k.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
Need or Want?
Both actually, I need a small commuter vehicle, I want an Elio, getting both is out of the question, but I can choose one. IF the Versa holds up another year, and the Elio follows shortly, I will replace it with the Elio, if not, I will have to do some serious shopping for a highly energy efficient vehicle. Also I figure the Elio really will come in about 10k with some options, and including transportation costs. When shopping for cars, it is rare to find one at 'base price'. Since the Elio is 'ordered', I have a bit more control over the options there, so I can keep costs down, shopping for a commuter car I have less ability to get exactly what I want (a completely stripped down base model). State laws govern certain option packages as well, (I assume these will not apply to the Elio), of course assuming is dangerous. Some states require you to buy rear windows defrosters, power steering and power brakes (and ABS and low tire warning systems), and good luck finding a dealer who doesn't have all these 'packages' already installed on the lot. Even my 'stripped' Versa was 17k, although I think I remember base price was about 14k.
One of THE major attractions of E.M. is the fact that you can buy the basic unit with NO options if you choose., and we will be able to pick from a list those we might want without a "package"- So yes it will not be rare to order and buy a basic E.
There delivery fee will be the same anywhere in the U.S. , you'll have to arrange with the factory, and at probably at an additional cost, to have it delivered "somewhere deep underground in the NE US" :-)


Elio Aficionado
Jul 30, 2014
Reaction score
Indianapolis, IN
Congratulations on the new ride. However you may be using some shaky math and logic to justify it. You spent maybe $15,000 to get a used car when you could have refurbished your existing car to like-new reliability - new engine, trans, suspension - for less than half of that. Your refurbished car would likely last another 14 years, while the used car will likely not. If you bought it because you wanted something new(er) and different; nothing wrong with that and no other justification needed.

My daily commute is 40 miles total so I seriously considered the Spark EV when they were offering it for $139/month on lease. But I did the math and even spending zero dollars on gas and completely ignoring the cost of electricity, it still cost more than driving my gas-powered 15-year-old Honda Insight. And that was when gas was still over $3/gallon!

I like the Volt. I think they did a brilliant job on the drivetrain (if not the styling...) and on understanding the typical driver's use-case. But unfortunately it is so expensive that it still doesn't make sense for most people who really need to save money. Far cheaper to fix and drive what you have.

No body wants a 28 year old rust bucket.

In 5 years, he would have put $8,000 into the 14year old car and it would be worth scrap metal being 20 years old, low MPG and net $7,500 loss.
Whilst the volt would achieve high MPG, modern comforts, safety and actually have a value when sold


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
Need or Want?
Both actually, I need a small commuter vehicle, I want an Elio, getting both is out of the question, but I can choose one. IF the Versa holds up another year, and the Elio follows shortly, I will replace it with the Elio, if not, I will have to do some serious shopping for a highly energy efficient vehicle. Also I figure the Elio really will come in about 10k with some options, and including transportation costs. When shopping for cars, it is rare to find one at 'base price'. Since the Elio is 'ordered', I have a bit more control over the options there, so I can keep costs down, shopping for a commuter car I have less ability to get exactly what I want (a completely stripped down base model). State laws govern certain option packages as well, (I assume these will not apply to the Elio), of course assuming is dangerous. Some states require you to buy rear windows defrosters, power steering and power brakes (and ABS and low tire warning systems), and good luck finding a dealer who doesn't have all these 'packages' already installed on the lot. Even my 'stripped' Versa was 17k, although I think I remember base price was about 14k.

What state requires power steering and power brakes?
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