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Elio P5 At Detroit Auto Show


Elio Addict
Jan 11, 2016
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Traverse City, MI
I ended up heading down there today. I left here about 9 and got there about 1:30; probably nearly the same time as Obama. The place was a total zoo with lots of people, many griping about a large portion being closed off for security. I took a bunch of photos, but my computer is having a hardware issue and won't read my SD card at the moment. :(

The Elio is way cool in person. I looked, sat in it (twice) talked with a few people, then left. I took more shots of Detroit on my way back to the car. (a Prius that just hit 100,000 on the way into the city) I drove to the Detroit Institute of Arts and got a quick look around before it closed. Hadn't seen the Diego Rivera murals since I was a kid. Spectacular! Back home as of about an hour ago. What a great day! :cool:


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
I ended up heading down there today. I left here about 9 and got there about 1:30; probably nearly the same time as Obama. The place was a total zoo with lots of people, many griping about a large portion being closed off for security. I took a bunch of photos, but my computer is having a hardware issue and won't read my SD card at the moment. :(

The Elio is way cool in person. I looked, sat in it (twice) talked with a few people, then left. I took more shots of Detroit on my way back to the car. (a Prius that just hit 100,000 on the way into the city) I drove to the Detroit Institute of Arts and got a quick look around before it closed. Hadn't seen the Diego Rivera murals since I was a kid. Spectacular! Back home as of about an hour ago. What a great day! :cool:
<snip> ........ is having a hardware issue and won't read my SD card at the moment.
Hmmmm sounds like security was better than anyone knew :spy:


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
Ok, good point. So you make the 'soul/Soul seller' a politician and the 'buyer' a billionaire supporter. Works for any party/candidate and the supporter stands in for Satan! :-)
There a new TV show coming out called Lucifer <----link
The tag line is "Giving bad a good name"
I'll have to watch it just to see how they play it out.


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
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I liked what TTAC said about the cost of the E1s

That $25 million to build 25 prototypes raised some skeptical eyebrows, including my own. The going rate to build a concept car like you see at the auto shows is about $1 million for a company like Metalcrafters to build a one-off vehicle. Twenty-five vehicles is more like a short production run than building one-off cars. The Elio trike is less sophisticated than many of those concept cars, so $25 million seemed like too much to pay for the E series trikes.

As it turns out, $12.6 million was what Elio now says they actually needed, not $25 million, to start building and test the E prototypes, and some of that money is earmarked for tooling that will also be used for production. At the show, Paul Elio announced that they had raised $16 million through the Reg A+ offering, allowing them to begin fabricating the E-series prototypes. That’s a bit more than a third of the $42 million in non-binding interest expressed when the offering was first announced. The company’s PR firm said that in light of the fact that crowdsourcing Reg A+ stock sales is a new thing, there’s no way to benchmark that level of fulfillment, yet they are pleased with the results and are moving forward with the batch of validation prototypes.


It is a long article. The words above were immediate after the close up picture of the engine. The expensive cost of the E1s has been discussed here.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
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Loveland OH
I believe EM can achieve 84mpg with it's current design. I even believed that the old and discontinued 3 cylinder GEO motor IF it was TESTED on the P3, P4 or P5 is equally up to the task but we will never find out because EM was set on their ambitious goal of having their OWN engine! I'm still was not sold on the idea that they couldn't find a manufacturer that can supply them with engine in current production, be it 3 or 4 cylinder and meet their 84mpg and 9.6 sec to 60 goal. But hey, I'll take everything that EM is throwing at their target price of $6,800!
The best the Metro engine could do was 60 mpg -- according to Paul in his Detroit news conference and (if I recall right) in his TTAC interview -- which was why they abandoned it to build-their-own. They needed the torque at highway speeds and no existing small car engine could deliver it.


Elio Addict
Sep 12, 2014
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Why not? The Kia Soul is a box (mini van)
View attachment 8060
They have a lot of extra interior space
Sat in a Soul at the NAIAS show last Saturday. It has interior room, but leg room is lacking. Meh- boring. Interior room in Elio- super accommodating for this 6'3, 214# man. Seemed more spacious than the Soul, and a LOT more cool!!!
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