Elio Addict
That fact that there are almost 1,500 posts in this thread alone should be enough to tell Elio there is a problem. 
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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.This poll is useless from a statistical standpoint, so anyone using the numbers for anything is wrong.
And as far as glanceability is concerned, a well designed background gradient could make a huge difference there (e.g. Background tapers thicker behind the numbers in proportion with speed).
Actually the poll numbers are an indicator.
About 51,000 reservation holders.
About 3000 of them are on "".
268 bothered to take the poll.
196 were upset enough to vote against it.
6.5% of a small minority of interested people don't like it.
Two more people who don't know how polls and statistics works.
And your numbers are laughably wrong.
You're using the "LALALALALALA!!! I'M NOT LISTENING" technique.
Ever see stats for elections? They take a small sample as well.I am always willing to listen to a well reasoned argument.
Please explain how 9% of a group represents a reasonable sample.
Always remembering that famous old statement popularized by Mark Twain .......
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics"
Incidentally, I plan to install an OBD II sourced HUD in my Elio.
OK.Ever see stats for elections? They take a small sample as well.
If those that responded accurately represent the purchasers as a whole, then this poll indicates about two thirds will be unhappy with at least this part of the car.Two more people who don't know how polls and statistics works.
And your numbers are laughably wrong.
You're using the "LALALALALALA!!! I'M NOT LISTENING" technique.
Incidentally, I plan to install an OBD II sourced HUD in my Elio.
No. The remainder weren't asked.OK.
The sample group was aprox. 3000
196 didn't like it.
72 did like it.
The remainder didn't care.
When I think of cluster, I do not like what comes to mind next.Instrument cluster not Dash. Dash (-) is the area it's in <picky, picky, picky, picky>
I suspect there will be no year models, but a return to the initial way ford did it. Model A, Model T, etc. which does not correlate to the calendar.As opposed to what? The 2016 model? If production even starts in 2016, it will be the last quarter and they will be 2017 models. There will be no 2016 model. I would bet a nickel on that!