What does this mean;
He will need better luck than Aptera Motors. The startup, . . .Is that something that might be a problem after elio gets their DOE Approval?
I'm heard at least two issues about that. Here is my recap.
The investors had a big hand in mismanaging the funding such that they ended up focussed entirely on funding through the government, and undershot the requirement to remain viable without it. Then the gov program suddenly shut down for a number of reasons and the loan was never approved. Given they had no alternative set up, and could not wait it all out, they failed.
The second issue was that they burned through too much money for reaching the point they were at. Again they could not continue with out more. Once over exteneded they did not have leverage to go on.
So, does Aptera profile appear to be similar to the Elio? Well, there are many of the same chalenges. But Elio does differ in thier control of money and the way they have created relationships and thier path to reach thier accomplishments.
Is Elio enough different from Aptera to make it? That IS the $64,000 question. The project is in a lot better condition now than Aptera was back then. And the AVTM does not sit in the crosshairs of a shutdown as it did when Aptera needed them most. It was a shocking occurance.
Elio has definately taken the Aptera experience to heart, exactly how effective thier coutermeasures are is a trade secret, or at minimum closely kept knowledge. Certainly Elio Motors has had more time to plan for the funding chalenges than Aptera did.
Yes, EM does say some interesting/positive stuff addressing the issues that had also been Aptera's. But the details are a bit obscure, and even if well addressed must remain so until it is beneficial to be otherwise.
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