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Where Do You Stand Now?


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Interesting scenario, but disappointing 40,000 reservation holders is to big a slap in the face marketing strategy for that to happen. Now I suppose they could turn that back around and look like heros if they suddenly under promise and overdeliver in 2015, but that is too optimistic at this fork on the track to production.


Elio Addict
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score
Interesting scenario, but disappointing 40,000 reservation holders is to big a slap in the face marketing strategy for that to happen. Now I suppose they could turn that back around and look like heros if they suddenly under promise and overdeliver in 2015, but that is too optimistic at this fork on the track to production.
I am with you Rickb on how disappointing it was to hear of the delayed production date. Everyone is going to have their own reaction to this, some angry, some disappointed, some still sitting on the fence, some still somewhat hopeful and so on.... I for one believe that it was not an easy decision for them to make and I am sure they had good reason to do it.

Whatever the case may be I am "All In" $1000 NR so my emotions won't change anything, this car may be built and it may not be built. Either way I will still get up every day, drink my morning coffee and go to work and live happily ever after :D this little car/autocycle is not going to make or break me financially or emotionally.

Jeff Porter

Elio Addict
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norton, KS; halfway between Kansas City and Denver

Bah .... it got up to 59 degrees in northwest KS today! And, coincidentally, I drank a martini sitting in a canoe for lunch. *hiccup!*


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
I have one more "Guess" :) What if the ATVM loan approval is taking longer than expected. He wants to give it as much time as possible because it is more financially profitable for the company and it's investors. He may still have all the private investors onboard as a backup plan but it has been said before that going with them is more costly. To me it would make sense to wait until the ATVM process has completed, if it is rejected then he can go to his backup plan.

It's all a matter of Risk vs. Reward.

Possible Conversation:
Do we bail on the ATVM loan process and move forward to meet our projected date of 4th quarter 2015 with private funding, or do we wait the process out and risk public rhetoric? Could we possibly buffer that with the release of positive information about the progress being made?

What decision would you make it if were your company? If it were mine I would have made the same decision they did, push projected production date back and wait on the approval of the ATVM loan. The risk is worth the reward. I am sure it had to be voted on by all the key players in that meeting.

bad decision with the reality of fines and loss of factory if commitments aren't met- I think they have until the middle of 16 to get it "rolling"- every delay puts too much pressure on meeting this deadline too risky if it was me. good question


Elio Aficionado
Jan 12, 2015
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The purpose of this website is to let us know about the news on the Elio. We share ideas,ask questions, and anticipate the roll out of this revolutionary development in transportation. I SAID, being truly "All In"...means NOT just with your money but, what good does it do to further ridicule the very people and company you are so anxiously waiting to receive your Elio ? It's very insane to go on this website and sabotage the process by saying it will not ever be produced...Paul Elio is a con and just wants to keep getting reservations and then vanish ! Come on people the amount of professional engineers and funds invested for starting this American made product here in the United States is worthy of support for many who usually back a American made product. A lot of postings on various topics within this website read very negative, almost like there is a counter American product agenda in mind...and these are coming from those that have money "All In"...but, disappointed now that there are delays . Please, think about what you are doing....that's all I'm saying.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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The purpose of this website is to let us know about the news on the Elio. We share ideas,ask questions, and anticipate the roll out of this revolutionary development in transportation. I SAID, being truly "All In"...means NOT just with your money but, what good does it do to further ridicule the very people and company you are so anxiously waiting to receive your Elio ? It's very insane to go on this website and sabotage the process by saying it will not ever be produced...Paul Elio is a con and just wants to keep getting reservations and then vanish ! Come on people the amount of professional engineers and funds invested for starting this American made product here in the United States is worthy of support for many who usually back a American made product. A lot of postings on various topics within this website read very negative, almost like there is a counter American product agenda in mind...and these are coming from those that have money "All In"...but, disappointed now that there are delays . Please, think about what you are doing....that's all I'm saying.
I'm with you roadtrippin2016! The folks you mention would say we live in fairyland and frankly their motivation to say what they say is that it's what they do for entertainment during the day. With that said I have just experienced a disappointing bump in the road on my 6 year journey to ElioVille, but know we will arrive just a little later than expected.


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
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Northern VA
I'm with you roadtrippin2016! The folks you mention would say we live in fairyland and frankly their motivation to say what they say is that it's what they do for entertainment during the day. With that said I have just experienced a disappointing bump in the road on my 6 year journey to ElioVille, but know we will arrive just a little later than expected.
And regardless, we're closer to getting our Elios today than we were yesterday!


Elio Aficionado
Jan 12, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks !...this concept/design/engine is too good to fail...someone (if not Paul Elio) will find out and come through with the necessary capital to bring it into production. Billionaires will know of this type of investment opportunity and will get on board when it comes down to it failing or becoming a success ! I believe the final engine and protype crash reports are CRITICAL in the Govt. loan approval...just WATCH this year's timeline of this progress...there is a plan B and C on Paul Elio's radar...( after all a Dream...is a powerful FORCE ! ) ...We just celebrated a holiday where a man had a DREAM...and he marched through many adversities !....just saying...
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