Wait a minute.......has anybody actually seen/heard it running on IAV's test bench?short answer - yes, there is a running engine, it is being dynoed now.
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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.Wait a minute.......has anybody actually seen/heard it running on IAV's test bench?short answer - yes, there is a running engine, it is being dynoed now.
Gotta rub it in, don't you.................
It is a beautiful Island and I'm really a bit jealous!!!!!!![]()
Gee! 55 trips across the island on one tank of gas. Am I the only one who sees the Name EZ and Virgin Islands as an oxymoron. Hey what you wanta bet St Johns island is not virgin with EZ on it. LOL Trouble is the gas station (a converted old dilapidated lobster boat) only shows up once a month at the pier. LOL
Gotta rub it in, don't you.................
It is a beautiful Island and I'm really a bit jealous!!!!!!![]()
i spent 60 years freezing in Vermont
i earned this !
Look for my Friendship Sloop on the horizon. I guarantee its out there some where.come visit and I will give you a motorcycle to use to tour the beautiful beaches !