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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017

John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
Lewiston, Maine
In three weeks when EM shows off the engine this will be old news so it will only be briefly mentioned in most articles as they cover the amazing feat of a start-up developing its own engine. This will blow over and life will move on. With all the other news about the engine, and eventually vehicle testing, that will come out this year this delay announcement will not damage EM in the long run.

I agree, I think the engine will end up being the news more than the delay, if it's as solid an engine as it looks. It's small and with relatively long gearing, might look tempting to others. My concern for awhile has been will some of the automobile manufactures under the gun by the feds to keep increasing mileage in their car line up entice Elio into a quid pro quo? Might be good for Elio, not so good for people without reservations if part of their engine production is siphoned off to another company.

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Elio Addict
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
Unfortunately this is not my first time experiencing a delay so I completely understand being down about it as I am a bit down myself but trying to keep pushing forward. Except for a few individuals the forum has actually been surprisingly quiet and well behaved this time around even when voicing their displeasure at the situation.

For those who are feeling really down it may be time for a break as that does help clear your mind at times. Just come back in a few weeks when the engine is running and you will feel much better. :cool:
Let get our mind toward hope and have faith .... Elio Motors.


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
I think we forgot to look at the numbers for this week, or maybe more exactly for me, didn't want to.
It still went up by 180 or so. I expected (after it was pointed out to me) a drop for the recent production delay news.
Hopefully, this is as low as it will get this year. With some return after the engine performance is reported.
And certainly more will return when the crash-testing progresses.
It goes without saying, getting the Gov Loan approval would break it all lose enormously.

At the current rate, assuming this was 180/wk, it will be 8 weeks before there are 40k reservations.
Your guess, do we go up, down, or stay on the same weekly rate next cycle?


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
Where is G1! He normal get the information reservation in first!! He must be at work today!!:):)
I think he's 3d Printing. Such Dedication!

Glad you all are doing well without me. :D

Moving slowly today and was not home for a while as it appears I had an allergic reaction to a medication which I am taking to fight off a crazy viral infection which is causing poor circulation in my extremities. It is actually more annoying than painful as it leaves my hands, feet, and ears feeling frigid cold but fighting it off has not been any better as not only did I have the allergic reaction but the medications also lowers my blood pressure quite dramatically which leaves me feeling lightheaded and moving slowly. :eek:
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