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Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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This forum seems to resize photo uploads, I'll try another attachment.. without using the 'Full Image' option and we'll see. (yep, small again.)

But you could start from this link Oly house and click the map then drop the little walking man on the street, and get a panoramic view of your own.

Or this link , more directly( if it works ) and again drag/drop the yellow man on the road.

PS, in the attached photo, if you look at the two hemlocks trees in the back yard, notice how there is sky behind them? That's only because the hill drops off so fast you can't see the even bigger trees behind them. And I think those two trees are down the hill a bit too. You get some idea from street view by clicking down the road a bit at the ad-hoc ?school bus hutch? and looking to the south. I've seen that hutch thing done in that region before, it's pretty much a rain forest and people try and keep their kids dry. Or the kids do it themselves out of self defense. :) ( you always miss a place more once you left it behind :oops: )


  • Oly2011.png
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Elio Enthusiast
Jun 20, 2015
Reaction score
West Virginia
Welcome from the San Francisco Bay Area! My commute is 45 miles each way, so I very much relate to your excitement about the Elio's potential.

I have fond memories of the novels I read as a young teen - As a horse fancier, I was enthralled with the Black Stalion series of books. I also enjoyed some of the teen mystery novels & science fiction writers. I would volunteer as a guinea pig reader for your book :D

Wow, 45 miles each way. That is quite a commute! The Elio is sure going to come in handy for that. I loved reading the Black Stallion. Growing up horses were my favorite animal, now they're a close second. Not sure how foxes took the lead, but life's funny like that. One of my bucket list goals is to go horseback riding in every state. Weird I know. Another bucket list goal I have is to go on a horseback riding tour of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit filming sites. :)


Elio Enthusiast
Jun 20, 2015
Reaction score
West Virginia
Hey Foxy Mom (sorry couldn't resist :rolleyes: but you did set yourself up :D) I think you're our first novelist. With 5 kids and a job, where do you find the time to write? One of my nieces is working on her first novel as well and until recently (she's now a stay at home Mom) finding time to write was difficult for her and she only has 1 child. There's nothing like hearing about a new writer and waiting for their book to hit the market. Good luck!:)

Thank you for the well wishes. A little bit of luck might just be what I need to push me to the finish line. :D My husband has been really supportive of my writing and he tries to watch the kids for me and make meals when he is able so I can get extra writing time in. I also use my long commute to record bits of story on a handheld voice recorder when I feel inspired to do so. No sense letting all those long hours driving alone to and from work go to waste. Having said all that, writing is still really difficult for me and I think I'm a little slow because I have a tendency to wordsmith a lot. But you know what they say, slow and steady wins the race. I'll be sure to let everyone know when I finish book one, because that will be truly celebration worthy. I've been working on this series for several years now, but with 14 chapters polished, ready for submission and 6 more chapters to go, the end is in sight. I'm doing rewrites and edits on the last 6 chapters as we speak. I plan on being done with the polished draft by end of summer (or sooner if I can). Then I'll being putting in submissions to publishers. I already have one publisher interested, but I'm keeping my options open at the moment. :)


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for the well wishes. A little bit of luck might just be what I need to push me to the finish line. :D My husband has been really supportive of my writing and he tries to watch the kids for me and make meals when he is able so I can get extra writing time in. I also use my long commute to record bits of story on a handheld voice recorder when I feel inspired to do so. No sense letting all those long hours driving alone to and from work go to waste. Having said all that, writing is still really difficult for me and I think I'm a little slow because I have a tendency to wordsmith a lot. But you know what they say, slow and steady wins the race. I'll be sure to let everyone know when I finish book one, because that will be truly celebration worthy. I've been working on this series for several years now, but with 14 chapters polished, ready for submission and 6 more chapters to go, the end is in sight. I'm doing rewrites and edits on the last 6 chapters as we speak. I plan on being done with the polished draft by end of summer (or sooner if I can). Then I'll being putting in submissions to publishers. I already have one publisher interested, but I'm keeping my options open at the moment. :)
I have never had the patience to write a long or short story. Poetry, was my outlet in my younger years. If I couldn't get it down on paper in a few minutes, it was gone. I rarely rewrote one, once It was down on paper. I added some music and bam I was a song writer. Never sold a song but came close once when Bobby V (Red Rubber Ball) came home one summer. There was a small jam session and my music partner and I were invited. I played the guitar (poorly) and sang a few of our songs. Bobby really liked one of them and was interested in recording it but my partner wouldn't sell. That ended our partnership! I continued to write songs for a few more years, played at a few open mic nights but never had the interest to take it further. Eventually I stopped writing, playing and singing.


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
lol, Poetry eh?

Jumped in the wagon for a look to see,
an Elio car I'm wanting to own.
There it was as a popsicle dream,
Crying out to me please take me home!

Well that's about the best you'll get out of me! Sure I'd love to hear something better with a little more visceral truth to it. :-)


Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Memphis TN
lol, Poetry eh?

Jumped in the wagon for a look to see,
an Elio car I'm wanting to own.
There it was as a popsicle dream,
Crying out to me please take me home!

Well that's about the best you'll get out of me! Sure I'd love to hear something better with a little more visceral truth to it. :)

Just because we make words rime
don't mean we're right all the time.
Words that sound the same are but vain whispers
of a truth stolen by a liar with horns and whiskers.

Truth is not just iambic pentameter
It's rather something we all forgot to remember
Til God's son set aside for our forgiveness
Who out there is going to say?
But sir, this is none of your business.


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
Charming to the last. lol

The truth revealed of course, is the heart of the writer.

The retort;

Silently in the back, a frown not wanton.
Desirous of attention, a yell and an explosion, has the distraction won a race unannounced?
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Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Memphis TN
Charming to the last. lol

The truth revealed of course, is the heart of the writer.

The retort;

Silently in the back, a frown not wanton.
Desirous of attention, a yell and an explosion, has the distraction won a race unannounced?
That's either a real short story or a poem about someone wanting attention and not staying on subject. How'm I doin?

Stephen Rose

New Member
Aug 17, 2015
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Hannibal, MO
So I assume many of you have already read the Who Are Our Moderators? thread. Now it's time for the members to join in the fun also. Many of you introduced yourselves when you joined however we want to hear who you are, what makes you tick, your life story, your plans for your Elios, and anything/everything else you wish to share with us.

Feel free to have fun with this, tell us some funny true stores, tell us some stories that stretch the truth, whatever you wish to make this a fun and enjoyable thread for all. :eek::D:cool::)
Hi all!! I am new to all of this!;)
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